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Full Version: Final Results for the 2013-14 Ice Contest!
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Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!
The winner of the 2013-2014 ice fishing contest is.............

The winner of the largest Black Crappie for 2013-14 is.......

Here is the list of the final results............
1. RedFrog 297pts
2. Jazzperch1 267pts
3. Hookngrinin 247pts
4. Darn0 244pts
5. Duckdog1us 235pts
6. Flyfishinglover 225pts
7. Delement87 157pts
8. Harlin 147pts
9. isda 128
10. BigBites 115pts
11. CoyoteSpinner 61pts
Congratulations Redfrog and Jazzperch1 and thanks for hosting this years ice fishing contest TDT.
Fun stuff, i did myself good for the little amount of time i fished.
Had some firsts aswell like ice fishing yuba for the first time, that was a blast.
thanks for putting it on again for everyone involved.
Whats the process in obtaining the prizes for this??

[quote Jazzperch1]
Whats the process in obtaining the prizes for this??

Send Coyotespinner a PM. He was the one who was kind enough to donate the prize for the largest black crappie.

Thanks CYS for putting that in there for the contest!
Thanks TDT for managing the challenge this year. It was a good ice season but I didn't get out much nearly as much as I wanted to.