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Full Version: Rusty @ 6mos and fishun
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Yeah, I know.. Kind of a nothing post. Went to the Web. 4/30, Water flow up at 80 scfs and little muddy, Caught my typical trout ranging from 16-19 in., took some pics of Rusty but not the fish since they were the same old. same old.
Only thing different - I've created a monster. [Image: icon_lol.gif] All Rusty wants to do is swim in the river, especially where I'm fishing and chase my hook ups. I have to be pretty good at playing the fish to prevent tangles with him. All is good though!!! [Image: icon_e_biggrin.gif] Used my standard prince nymph.

[inline "6 mos.jpg"]
Good looking pup! Sounds like he is coming along just fine.
Looks like you and the rustinator are doing great!
Did he always like the water or was he scared at first? I have a golden retriever pup and she loves going fishing with me but won't get in the water for anything.
No he was wary of the river when I first introduced it at 5 mos. Wouldn't go near it. Since he loves to retrieve sticks, I tossed one in the shallows. He was still was very wary. So I tossed one in and waded out to it. He followed and retrieved. Guess it was me giving confidence. Then when I tossed sticks in and it was over his head, he did the "dog paddle" thing. (looked funny). Next, I put a vest on and tossed in water over his head. The vest did the trick. After a few tosses, I took the vest off and he swam like a seal. Now I can't keep him out!!!! [Smile] You can do much the same thing in a res. or lake with waders or a float tube. Did this same thing with all my 3 previous goldens.
Looks like that pup is getting bigger!

When will rusty get his 1st taste of some bass fishin?[fishin]
Always nice to read your posts Fred. Looks like you guys sure are having fun.
What's the deal here leaky? You can't even give me the time of day anymore?[mad]