Drove up to porcupine today with my son. The ice is just starting to form. About 1/4 of the water is covered in a thin sheet of ice. I threw small rocks from up above and they all went thru the ice. So my guess is sometime after the first of the year it will be ready to ice fish.
Thanks for the heads up I.N.cant wait for hardwater up there!!M.H.
Thanks for the update IdahoNative. Lookin' forward to hitting the pig this winter. Good luck when you head out there.
WE will have to go out and give it a shot soon.
Thanks for the report I.N. Can't wait.
Loren Sackett
Yeah, keep us posted. I haven't fished up there in years and would really like to try it through the ice. If I can hit there and some warm water fisheries up north, that would be quite a mixed bag![shocked] Welcome!
I am hoping that Danzilla will take me up to Porcupine this winter to show me how it is done to catch Kokes through the ice!!! Hint hint!!!
Thanks for the report. Porcupine is my favorite for ice fishing ( I love fishing for Kokes. I started to go to porcupine on Sat. but got cold feet going through Ogden and went to Causey instead, (I had heard that the ice on Causey was fishable, and no info on Porcupine). I had a great trip, 101 miniature splake and 8 12" kokes.