05-05-2014, 09:00 AM
My Grandson, Daniel and I got out this morning and dug up some worms for bluegill fishing, but Mother Nature with her stupid white capping winds and cold front conditions put the panfish off the bite. So, we crappie fishing and scouted a little bit. <br /><br />It was a rough ride everywhere we went and tough fishing to boot, but we did manage to catch enough for Daniel, Mamaw and Papaw to have a fried crappie wrap for dinner tonight. But, I&#39;m tired of fighting all this stupid wind. We just motored around looking for schools of fish and when we saw brush with fish around, we threw markers and fished til they would bite or not bite. Most did not bite. emoBig
<br />But a few were dumb enough to volunteer to be the main attraction at a crappie wrap. <br /><br />Now, I&#39;m going to get off my feet, watch the Kentucky derby and have a fish wrap.