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I have never targeted cats before. Can't say I have ever eaten one either. I am thinking of trying for them this year but I don't know techniques, rigs, size of bait etc. Pictures and info would be greatly appreciated. I will be fishing from a yak.
[#0000FF]I sent some info to the email address on your profile. PM me if you did not receive it.
Yep I got it thank you so much!
Cats are pretty simple compared to most fish, hook, bobber or hook and sinkers will work... I use a size 1/0 or 2/0 Gamagatsu circle hook or wide mouth... Depending on location you may or may not need weights if going to the bottom after cats... Two weeks ago, the bobbers worked well, but Saturday I had to go to the bottom to find them...

Baits that have worked for me lately are night crawlers, fathead minnow and Sucker meat chunks... You can catch them on almost anything meat wise, but there is no need to get too fancy...

After you catch a few on bait, I like to troll for them because there's nothing like a big old solid smack of a catfish when trolling on light tackle... Great fight, but it takes some doing to figure out the technique and it's easier shown than explained so remind me at the flotilla and I'll show you... Later J
Pat, first time preparing catfish this weekend so I tried your cat broil recipe this weekend and it really turned out nice. Thanks a lot!
[#0000FF]Good-O. Glad they turned out for you.

Did you use a fish this? That white flesh is as good as any flounder or sole.

[inline "GRILLED KITTY.jpg"]
It is looking like I need to get catching some. That looks delicious TD
Oh! No, I didn't. I just tinfoiled a shallow pan so that the lemon and butter didn't drip. How do you use the basket? How do you deal with dripping? Also, the basket doesn't allow the fish to get too close to the broiler, right?
And yes, I'm definitely sold on those fillets.
[#0000FF]Here is a copy and paste from a post I put up a couple of years back. Best if you keep the heat low enough to avoid burning...and flip the basket over every few minutes to get a complete cook without over blackening.

[#0000ff]Most fellow anglers who know me know that I am always working on new fish well as new ways to catch the fixin's. I have been asked to post my recipe for grilled an alternate to the old standard fried catfish. [/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Since I usually grill only the smaller fillets from "cookie cutter" sized kitties that is the reason for the title. I managed to get enough for a couple of batches on my trip to Willard Thursday so I took a few pictures of the tools and the process.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Unless you have a flat grill it is difficult to grill fish. Almost impossible to do it on a standard backyard barbecue grill. As the fish cooks it falls apart and you can't turn it without destroying it.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]I have long used a two part fish grilling basket such as you see in the attached pics. Easy to put the fish in, fasten them securely inside and then to be able to turn them a couple of times over the heat without them self-destructing. Spraying the basket before adding the fish increases the easiness of removing the cooked fish.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]I do not season the fish at all before cooking. But, I do baste them with a butter/olive oil/garlic mixture a couple of times on each side while cooking. After they are done (and finished dripping) you can season them with your choice of salts, peppers, spices, etc. I like to sprinkle on a few toasted sesame seeds too.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Cooking time will vary by the type of grill you have and how much heat it puts out. Catfish usually take a bit more cooking than many other species so plan to cook them a bit longer than any other fish you have done before. But, the rule of thumb is the same. Once the fish pulls apart easily it is ready to serve. And, like other meats, it benefits by being allowed to sit a few minutes before removing from the basket and serving.[/#0000ff]

[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=59375"]FISH GRILL BASKET.jpg[/url] (434 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=59376"]COOKIE CUTTER KITTIES.jpg[/url] (305 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=59377"]READY FOR THE GRILL.jpg[/url] (333 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=59378"]FIRE AND SMOKE.jpg[/url] (472 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=59379"]FRESH OFF THE GRILL.jpg[/url] (510 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=59380"]SERVED AND SEASONED.jpg[/url] (428 KB)
Yeah, I tried the broil this time. Next I'll try the grill! Appreciate you giving some of use guys at the beginning of the cat learning curve a head start!
Does anyone else eat the cats out of Utah lake? All my friends and family act horrified when I do. Do yo
u guys just east the ones from Willard bay and the Bear?
[#0000FF]I have been eating and enjoying cats from Utah Lake for many have thousands of other Utah anglers. Utah Lake is subject to a lot of misinformation and outright stupid claims. For example, I get a lot of horrified looks followed by "what about the mercury?" That is the first indication that someone has no idea of the real ecology of the lake. There are no mercury problems in any species in Utah Lake...unlike some of our more pristine mountain lakes.

Several years ago it was found that carp and larger catfish sometimes accumulated higher levels of PCBs...not mercury. And the levels were much lower in the smaller/younger fish that are most often harvested for eating. Furthermore, the PCBs tend to concentrate in the guts and oily tissue of the fish and are largely removed during the cleaning and cooking processes.

Just because Utah Lake is shallow and gets muddy when the wind blows it is feared to be toxic waste. Not so. Much safer and cleaner than most other Utah Lakes.

As a general rule I seldom keep Utah Lake cats over about 24 inches. At that size they are not old enough to have built up any harmful residues. But cats live a long time, like carp, and the bigger and older they get the more potential for buildup.

I have eaten catfish from all over the United States. I can say that the cats from Utah Lake are as mild and edible as any I have sampled from anywhere else. They are great. Even better than a lot of the grain fed farm raised cats in the south.
Just thought I'd post the question here. I think they rival any catfish I've eaten in Texas and I will continue to enjoy them. I agree there is a lot of misinformation about the lake. I guess I won't complain though because many people don't know what they are missing at my favorite place to fish.
[#484848]I found a cookie sheet with holes in it at Smith and Edwards that I use to grill fish, and the fish won't fall in the fire.[/#484848]
[#484848]I use Montreal steak seasoning.[/#484848]
[#484848]I also think TD's idea on the sesame seeds would be good. I need to try that.[/#484848]
Cookie sheet for Cookie Cutters. Works.

Can't go wrong with Bacon. I like to give 'em a salty milk bath for a day in the fridge. Draws out some of the gookies. The salt often comes in the form of Creole spice.

I appreciate what TD preaches about letting them render. Not like simple white-fish that just need a quick opaquing.

Grilled Catfish on a stick. Fileted in strips, then woven with bacon. I still used the basket.

[inline "Grilled Catfish Bacon Strip Sticks.jpg"]