Hey all,
Fly Goddess sent me some bobbers quite some time ago in order to test them and see how they work as slip bobbers. I finally got around to putting them to work.
In order to make them work as a slip bobber I had to add a small bead and modify the bobber slightly by poking a hole through the center with a small pointed object. After the modification they work awesome, or at least as well as what I had been using before. Going forward, I'll probably use this type of bobber exclusively as they are very easy to be made into either a fixed or a slip bobber, they work equally well to what I've been using, and they are much cheaper too.
Thanks FG.
They are great as slip indicators too. The great advantage of setting it up to slip is that if you are using a long leader and catch a fish the indicator will release and slide down closer to the hook so that you can reel in without hitting it.
Here is a YouTube Vid that shows how to pinch a loop of the line with the peg. When a fish pulls that line the loop pulls the peg out and the indicator slides free.
[url "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt8XwFfOcXE"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt8XwFfOcXE[/url]
I see what you are saying, and how you are rigging it.
I changed my wording and took out where I thought you had two stops on it so that it was stationary.
I wasn't saying it was wrong just that the slip indicator rigging was also available. Lots of people haven't seen this kind of indicator before, so it was more for general information. The bead and stop method you showed also works well with it, but when I used that method, I had to have a much heavier fly on to pull the line through.
About the only time I have used one is on lakes from my float tube when I'm not casting far. But I am using a looong leader.....Usually around 20 ft.long.
Thanks for the input. Kind of felt like you were telling me I'm doing it wrong, but yet I'm getting exactly the results I wanted.
I can see how rigged by the method I'm using, it wouldn't work well with flies.
I think I need a break from here. [:/] I think I'll go fishing! [

Nah, I wouldn't begin to tell you how to fish. You do great already! Any better and there wouldn't be any fish left for me. [shocked]
I changed my wording hopefully to clarify things.
You know the difference between a bobber and an indicator don't you? About $5![laugh][laugh]
Exactly C. Back in 2000 we fished a little Idaho lake that was Chironomid heaven. We used 20' to 30' leaders off a floating line. Problem was, the law required barbless hooks, so when fish hit we struggled to release the "then used" fixed indicator so we could reel the fish in. Needless to say we lost a few.
My husband while looking through a steelhead magazine noticed these little styro balls about the diameter of a dime with this plastic peg. He ordered a few and we proceeded to use these for deep nymphing with the loop. They worked famously! We showed them to Dennis Brakke (a Fly Shop owner) and he loved the idea. He found a company to produce these indicators in different color and sizes.
Dennis passed away a few years back and we were not financially able to take over the indicators, so Herb Patterson did.
He was wonderful at spreading the word as Phil and Brian are the BIGGEST promoters.
So, here we are today still using them. I prefer the little bigger ones like the 1" ball. On Choppy water they are easy to see, plus they create a lot of up down movement and the bigger ones tend to help in setting the hook.
My brother inlaws x use to spin fish with them as HH is using them.
fantastic pictures Kelly. Beautiful flies too.