Hey all, first post here. Me and a buddy are heading out in a Bass Tracker we rented from Nellis AFB tomorrow to an area I'm familiar with from shore, but haven't been out in a boat yet at. Just a couple quick questions. Am I mistaken, or is there a boat ramp at Govt Wash? Also, are stripers still hitting anchovies in that area at the moment? We aren't going to be able to hit the lake until around noon, but plan on being out until we can't see anymore. Any other quick tips are appreciated. Weather is supposed to be nice at least!
Not sure bout the striper fishin over there but striper will pretty much always eat chovies. but my advice is be very carefull especially if you havnt been on the lake before. The water is dropping fast and there are lots of rocks just under the water over there waiting to tear a boat up.
There is a little steep dirt launch area at govt wash but no dock.
Good luck hope you catch a boatfull.
The launch ramp at Government is dirt and 4x4 is recommended for launching a boat. There are a bunch of under water humps that are going to be at the surface within days. Government Wash has fish but they are about 1 pounders.
Check out the Nevada Striper Club website for my latest report from last Saturday.