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Botany Bay was beautiful, the water was clear and still and the local fishing club had one of their fisho’s days. I had decided to take mum up on the offer to look after the children and accompany my husband and dad on dads boat.<br>I wanted to go with them because on their lat outing they had the pleasure of being escorted by a school of dolphins.<br>I sat on the boat looking for the dolphins and pouring coffees for us all from a flask. I did not get involved with the fishing, as I just wanted to relax and enjoy.<br>It was amusing hearing Bill and dad obviously curbing their language and son fish after another got away, Dad would comment on how flatheads and leatherbacks were smart fish because they kept taking his bait.<br>This went on all day with them catching a few Taylor flatheads and a trevallies.<br><br>Late in the afternoon dad had a bite on one line and as he jumped up to real it in he knocked one of his rods into the water. He tried to catch the rod but down it went to the bottom of the bay (to join my husbands wedding ring lost on another trip no doubt) Dad spent the rest of the afternoon trying to hook up his long lost rod that he claimed to be his favourite. <br>Just before we packed up to go back in dad gave it one more try. I kid you not he only went and hooked the thing. Proud as punch and totally amazed with himself he brought in the rod.<br>When we got back into the club dad told his tale to all his friends and he was nominated for the Botany Bay tallest fishing story end of year comp. Dad won the comp and got a T-shirt with Mr Botany Bay on it.<br><br>by kj : Friday 15 September, 2000 <br><br><br>Submit your Fishing Adventure Stories to win great prizes at ReMemory.Com