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My two brothers and I fished Causey on Saturday morning. The fishing was very fast. We caught more splake then we could count, but only managed to get one Koke. The splake were all over, from 3 inches under the ice to the very bottom. Anything and everything worked. We even caught 3 splake on a rat finkie tipped with a strawberry starburst. We were fishing just up the middle arm.

Great time to take a kid along and get them excited about catching fish through the ice.

Great report Jacob, how deep was the water you were fishing in and how thick was the ice? WH2
The water was around 35-40 feet deep, and the ice was 5-6 inches thick.
On a [size 1]strawberry starburst? Hungry sucker aren't tey[/size]
I was also at Causey this weekend and had the same success.
I was using a yellow ice fly tipped with a mealworm. I was in 34 feet of water and fish were at all depths on my fish finder. It reminded me of pineview a couple years ago. I caught all splake except for one large brown trout who broke off as i was pulling him through the hole. I was about 50 feet out from the middle of the dam.