I'd just love to say that Marissa is the greatest girl in the world! She dragged me over to willow, and I was just expecting to sit there and watch her catch a couple of trout. Then, she pulled out my new rod-a 8 foot Spin/Fly pole, and a Mitchel reel. I just had to try it, so to speak. We walked over by where the water comes in. I told her how to rig up for power bait, then she tied me on a little white gitzit. Imediatly, I hooked into a 6 inch bass! It was amazing-I just hooked him, and pulled him strait up
] My gal even took him off! Next, she caught a couple of very decent 14 inch trout, then I hooked into something ealse. A channel cat, left over from the summer, undoubtedly, came right off of the bottom under the bass and took the jig. I handed her the pole, and she caught the 4 pound cat. Pretty fun day!
[cool]Sounds like a good time. Too bad you didn't get a pic of that nice cat! I think I'll take my daughter there to learn to fish when she gets big enough. Right now, she's still a bun in the oven though, and I'm praying she'll have some tomboy tendancies so that she'll want to go fishing with her old man!
Let me get this straight. She bought you a pole, rigged your pole, baited it, then took the fish off you caught? Is her Mom single?
Not too shabby! Hows the busted wing healing? Hope it heals quick.
See there is hope for you yet, broken wingl and all
Yeah, she is wonderful. Sorry, IFG, her mom and dad are still together. Wouldn't help, though, her mom hates the outdoors. I've gotta say, the arm isn't aching as bad now. Might be the loritab, though. I'm just a wee bit nervous about going under the knife saturday.[:/] I hope the doctor does a good job. By the way, I figured out where I'm going by the end of January with my gal, too. There's six inches of Ice on Brough, according to one of my friends out there. He's already caught a 6 pound brown thru the ice this year!
] Hope it's still good later!
Hey Jensonkid15, where is "Brough?" I've never even heard of it. Is it in Wyoming or something?
Its a little reservoir by Pelican Lake. If you want, I'll give you directions to it! It was killed about 3 years ago to take out all the little bass and blue gill in it. The rainbows were stocked in just after. Just last september they put in a few thousand browns in there, about the usual planter size. Now, their up to 3 to 5 pounds. There's an amazing foridgebase in that lake!