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Full Version: 2004 Free Fishing Licenses for the Disabled
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Fish and Game Code, Section 7151, authorizes the Department of Fish and Game to issue Free Sport Fishing Licenses to the following anglers:

A) Any person, with central vision acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with the aid of the best possible correcting glasses, or central vision acuity better than 20/200 if the widest diameter of the remaining visual field is no greater than 20 degrees. Certification of blindness by an optometrist or an ophthalmologist is required.

B) Any American Indian or lineal descendant who is a resident of the State and whose total annual income does not exceed $8,980.00 for the head of the household, plus $3,140 for each additional family member living with them. Certification by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (B.I.A.) or proof of being on a tribal registry is required. Verification of income on Form FG 371 is required annually.

C) Any person who is a ward of the State and resides in a State hospital. Certification by person in charge of the State hospital is required annually.

D) Any developmentally disabled person receiving services from 9 State regional center. Certification by person in charge of the regional center is required annually.

E) Any person who is a resident of the State and who is so severely physically disabled as to be permanently unable to move from place to place without the aid of a wheelchair, walker, forearm crutches or a comparable mobility-related device. Verification by a licensed physician or a copy of the previous year's free fishing license is required.

Click this link for your application for a free license

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