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Full Version: Asking for help - Fishing for Son & Grand Son
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Have my grand son and son going to be here late June. All the females want to dictate what we do to "bond" ! [frown] They want to have us going for several days to "bond" and so my wifey doesn't' have to cook, etc. Son coming from Colo/ and grand son from Japan.
I have lots of options - disregard my wife and son's wife and do day trips, cook our own meals with beer when we get home and go to the Pine, Mantua etc. with only 1 float tube, the rest of us to shore fish, Go to Blew Lake, stay at Wendover, go to Westone, Glendale or Condie for 1 day trips. Flaming Gorge for smallies staying at Green/River/ Dutch John - (1float tube) or going all the way below Swan Falls for river fishing for smallies and staying at Boise which is sooooooooo far but my favorite (don't really think we are up to that).
Any comments?
Sold my tent trailer. [frown] My son is a disabled vet with a Colo. license, does that give him a break in Id.,Wyo. or Ut, license? Does he still need an out of state license?
Offer all options to your sons and then do what they want to do -- can't lose. [Smile]

Hope you have a great time!


Oh, and tell your vet son thanks.
P.M. sent
Ok guys I'm back from my Colonoscopy (just a few polyps) and can answer the mail. Thanks for all the input you guys. The bottom line is I need to get with the kids and find out what they would like to do. As far as equipment offers, thanks again. Depends an what we do. Will answer pms. What I need is pros and cons on where to go including other suggestions. [Smile]
I would recommend "the usual" spot for that time period. It is starting to fish really well, and is typically pretty good through June. It also offers probably the best shore access. Swan Falls would likely be awesome, but like you said, pretty far.