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I am heading up to Joe's Valley to do a little camping and fishing for Memorial day. I have never been there before, so I'm kind of clueless about what to fish for. Has anyone ever fished at Joe's Valley? If so, what kind of fish are in there, and what kind of baits work best? I will be fishing from the shore with my wife, so any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!
They have rainbows, splake, and tiger muskie.
The tigers will take a rapala realed or sometimes a tub jig tipped with chub meat.
Rainbows the standard worm and or power boat works well for.
The splake often time group up and stay deaper so can be harder to find specifically from shore. they will however take a worm and powerboat some times. I find that putting a small marshmellow with the worm to float it iup 12-24 inches from the bottom really helps.
There are also some tiger trout, cutthroats, and of course the dreaded chub in the reservoir. I second the tips that Hoola bob sent you. The good old garden hackle with a marshmallow will work well from shore. This early in the year the water is still cold enough that the splake will still be within reach of shore anglers. The water level is still pretty low so you will have some distance to walk to get to the water.
Good Luck!
Thanks for the tips! I will make sure I am stocked up with worms and marshmallows.
If you're having trouble catching anything, a copper Kastmaster (3/8oz) will bring you multiple species. Just cast out, let sink for 3 or 4 seconds, and start reeling slowly.

From the steep rocky dam arm, you can stand in one spot and probably catch 3 fish in 10 casts.

Cutts, Tigers, Tiger Muskie, Splake, Rainbows, browns, and even brookies (I caught a brookie from Lowry Water, under the hwy 29 bridge).

Still need to catch a TM and a brown from there.

Gulp minnows work really well too. Shore fishing is easy at Joe's, all year long.

Can't help with big fish though. I haven't cracked that lake yet.
The stream below the dam can be very good for browns also. There are several small scenic lakes near by also , if you can get to them. Grassy, blue, petes hole, potters ponds. Mary's lake .Lowery water can be a fun stream to fish if the runoff has died down,
I was also thinking about going up to Joes this weekend but I will be staying in Gunnison. Anybody know if Highway 29 over the mountain will be clear. I am not to familiar with the area so I don't know if they plow that one out or let mother nature do the work.
It won't be clear until mid June.
Thanks! that will save some wasted time and miles trying to go that way.
From Gunnison, just go through salina canyon and up hyway 10 . It would be a faster drive anyway. The only road they plow from the san pete side is fairveiw canyon. The ephriam canyon rd (29) Will be drifted in until atleast mid june, (as Loah has mentioned) although the forest service often plows through the drifts once they are smaller. But you have to play when by word to mouth.