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Do we have any recent reports from the Fish Lake / Mill Meadow area? I'll be down there around memorial and thinking of dragging the boat down now that I have it running again. When I was there a couple of years ago you could hardly keep the perch off at Mill Meadow. With the draining they did for dam repairs the perch are all but gone last year, and I'm guessing the same this year. We did hit a few small rainbows, though. My boat is a bit big for Mill Meadow and I'm thinking Fish Lake. Last I knew it was very easy to find perch, not too difficult for splake or rainbows. Any thoughts?
I don't know the last time I heard of a decent lake trout coming out of that lake.
Still lots of nice macks caught from Fish Lake, but those who are catching them aren't posting about it on fishing forums.
I caught this 27 pound Mac on March 5, 2014. It's still somewhere in Fish Lake. Good luck catching it this summer.

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