I have some friends who want to go the Uintas this weekend and camp down at the lower elevations. What will the Provo look like? I see that it is flowing really, really strong. Will it be muddy? What about some of the small creeks adjacent to it?
I just want to fish

Any information or insight is welcome!
Most of it will be totally muddy and blown out. They could try really high up for some clearer lower water. Lowest levels of flow generally occur at the hottest part of the day because there's quite a delay from snowmelt seeping in and peak flows. There will be some very fishable water lower down as well. They just need to find some smaller side channels where flows will be manageable. It's actually one of the easiest times to pick up bigger fish up there as the larger cutts will be moving into many of those side channels to spawn. I'd pm you some prime spawning gps coordinates but I might just take a ride up checking out things and hit those sweet spots myself. They could look at Google Earth for side channels to check out but without some experience up there this time of year it's really hard to translate that into what side channels are going to be fishable.
The North Fork of the Provo is a side creek worth trying although it might be blown out as well.
Not all of it is muddy. I was up there Wednesday and fished it and managed a few hits. It's turbid in some spots but most of it is fishable with the right kind of skill. Beaver Creek is high and little murky but really fishable.