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Full Version: Wednesday ice fishing!!!
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OneEyedJack and myself are going ice fishing Wednesday morning. We are want to be back in the valley by 1:00 due to wednesday afternoon and evening festivities. Just seeing if anyone else is venturing out on the ice on wednesday, or if any one else would like to join us? this will help us with our decision on where to go. We are thinking Lost creek now, but Causey is tempting too. I really want to go to the berry, but neither of us have portable sonar, so we want to go somewhere where we can catch fish with out it.
Christmas Eve day fishing, huh? I was thinking of Lost Creek with the kids myself. That's if I survive the Viva Naughton trip tomorrow. Sounds like a plan! I'll be the one with the Wyoming GMC.

what time are you leaving the salt lake area ? i get off work at 7 AM could be ready to go by 730 if you leave about that time count me in
OEJ and I were planning on meeting at 5:30 and getting breakfast. I really didnt pay too much attention the other day, but Lost Creek is about 1 hour from SLC??? I bet we could discuss a later departure date to bring you along.
if you guys work it out let know if you leave earlier that is understandable though
I'm trying to work out a kitchen/day pass with the wife we've got a big dinner with the family on the 24th & 25th so I'm still haggeling with her. No big deal to go fishing just lots of extra work for her if I'm not there to help out.

If I can get away, I'm more inclined to hit Causey
We have kinda made the decision of going to Lost creek. Sounds like Aqua OEJ and I are going at this point and meeting Hookedchica, her dad and a friend up there too. and it sounds that Mueske is going to be there. I have never been to Causey, and since I am needing to be back in the valley by 1:00, i want to be relatively close and somewhere I know. Invite is still there, but dont blame ya if you want to go to causey, definitely with how hot it is right now
[#0000ff][size 2]OK kid!, I just know that area a lot better having live within a couple miles of Causey for 5 years, but as close as it was I never thought of icefishing. I think Causey is actually closer to SLC timewise than Lost Creek. I could get from my work to my driveway in 50 minutes when I was comuting between here and there.[/size][/#0000ff]
From the mouth of Weber Canyon it's about 5 minutes longer to get to Lost Creek and that’s only based on how you drive.
Hey Mueske, I'm looking forward to a Naughton report. I plan on heading up there some time next week. good luck to ya.
FW, not too sure where Lost Creek is, I thought it was further up the canyon towards Devils slide area, if it is then its a lot further than 5 minutes. But like I said I'm not sure where it is. I could be wrong!
We have decided to hit Causey on Wednesday instead. (OEJ, Aquaman, Hookedchica and myself) ANyone else going to be up there. We will have hand helds on channel 12!!!!
Wiperslayer and I are headed for Causey also on Wednesday morning but like most of you we will need to leave early. WH2
I think I'll hit Causey also, I'm going alone so if you need a ride let me know. Is it easy to find once you get to Ogden canyon.