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Full Version: Willard.....27 minutes
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Hit WB after work. Got on the water about 5 PM. Took about an hour to find the right speed, area, lures. Then 27 minutes of pretty fast action. Then had to call it a day. Will be back on the Bay in the morning.

[inline "(0217) 22 May 2014 Wiper #1 CPR.jpg"]
Wiper # 1 Chrome and Black back Rat-L-Trap Released 6:12 PM

[inline "(0217a) Wiper #1.jpg"]

Walleye # 1 On Shad colored Storm Soft Swim bait modified with trailer hook. 6:18 PM

[inline "(0218) Walleye.jpg"]

[inline "(0218a) Walleye.jpg"]

Invited this one home for a fish fry

Wiper # 2 on same Storm Swim bait
[inline "(0219) Wiper #2 CPR.jpg"]

[inline "(0219a) Wiper # 2.jpg"]

Released at 6:22 PM

Wiper # 3 Chrome and Black back Rat-L-Trap
[inline "(0220) Wiper #3 CPR.jpg"]

[inline "(0220a) Wiper # 3.jpg"]

Wiper # 3 Released at 6:39 PM

Called it a day, heading back in couple hours from now (6:00 AM)
Fun day wasn't it? I was surprised the eyes were taking the raps like they were. You can sure tell the difference in the fight or lack of. Man they are tasty though. Wish I could get back there after them, but I'm going to have to start being responsible and get my farm taken care of. Should have done that when the fishing was slow. Good luck today. Later J