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Went to Kolob this morning with 3 kids. I didn't ever get my rod in the water. Landed 8 cuts and rainbows in a little over an hour. Seemed like everyone around us was doing well regardless of what they were using - lures, flies, worms.
Thanks for posting your report, we don't get many reports from Kolob, was there any size to the cutts?
Good to hear that great fishing is happening down south.[cool] Thanks for sharing.
my dad hits that place allot he catches cutts up to 24" and rainbows over 25"
Wow, that is amazing, sounds like it has the same cutts that the Berry has from BL.
It amazed me also that a lake that size has fish in it like that but it is artificial lure and fly only lake. This was in april up there and the tree line is usually where the water level is at in the summer.[inline IMAG0127.jpg]
I fished that lake at ice-off a few years ago while working in St. George. Absolutely gorgeous country and the road in from the Virgin side is breathtaking. Great fishing too. I did very well throwing 1/16 oz. tube jigs.
Kolob is no longer artificial only. They say it has to many fish so a couple of years ago they opened it to bait fishing. So between Memorial Day and Labor Day you can use bait.