05-26-2014, 11:03 PM
Decided I've had enough of the bugs and power squadron at Willard for awhile. Went for the early calm and quiet at Benson Marina. Before I could get there, I stopped at my usual place for some worms. Guy in a tow truck pulled in behind me and said my left turn light on the boat trailer was out. SHOOT ! I just changed the bulb 2 weeks ago. Guess who DOES NOT carry 1157 bulbs ? Anyway, stopped at the Pilot Truck Stop, got bulbs. Presto -- new bulbs (yea, changed them both) left side STILL don't blink ![mad] Well you have been an aircraft electrician for over 40 years Tin Can, figure it out! I did. A broken wire at the bulb socket. Quick fix and there ya go, it works again ! NOW, on the road to Benson. The little docks are out now at the Benson Marina. Seems like maybe the water level is up about a foot since last time I was there.
Got over to the west side, still only about 3 ft. deep there. Tossed out one line with a worm, and before I could get the second one out, tug, tug. Mister Little Carp came to offer his services as additional bait.
[inline "(031) 26 May 2014 Carp that donated bait.JPG"]
T gladly accepted his selfless sacrifice. And integrated some in with the worms.
[inline "(032) Bait, worms and Carp.JPG"]
Although, it ended up to be all for nothing. Nothing wanted any of that fresh golden Tarpon.
Did get one medium size Cat on some worms. Did the CPT thing and let him go. Maybe Yote will catch him next. [
[inline "(033) Cat 22 inch forgot BFT Placard.JPG"]
Don't any of you Cat Fish Contest guys worry too much. He ain't that big. But he can add to the North Team point total. 22 inches. BFT Catfish Contest Placard ? What placard ? Shoot.....did I forget to put that in the photo, AGAIN ?
Nope. But I did turn the fish around to get his nose out of the shadow so Yote can see all of him.[cool]
That photo? Oh, it's on the Contest Thread. [sly]
Other than that, another bunch of yellow bellies out of the nursery near the bridge, and right on time, the wave runners and skiers showed up about 1:30. My cue to pack it up and head home.
Got over to the west side, still only about 3 ft. deep there. Tossed out one line with a worm, and before I could get the second one out, tug, tug. Mister Little Carp came to offer his services as additional bait.
[inline "(031) 26 May 2014 Carp that donated bait.JPG"]
T gladly accepted his selfless sacrifice. And integrated some in with the worms.
[inline "(032) Bait, worms and Carp.JPG"]
Although, it ended up to be all for nothing. Nothing wanted any of that fresh golden Tarpon.
Did get one medium size Cat on some worms. Did the CPT thing and let him go. Maybe Yote will catch him next. [

[inline "(033) Cat 22 inch forgot BFT Placard.JPG"]
Don't any of you Cat Fish Contest guys worry too much. He ain't that big. But he can add to the North Team point total. 22 inches. BFT Catfish Contest Placard ? What placard ? Shoot.....did I forget to put that in the photo, AGAIN ?
Nope. But I did turn the fish around to get his nose out of the shadow so Yote can see all of him.[cool]
That photo? Oh, it's on the Contest Thread. [sly]
Other than that, another bunch of yellow bellies out of the nursery near the bridge, and right on time, the wave runners and skiers showed up about 1:30. My cue to pack it up and head home.