I decided to give E-Lake a try today and it did not let me down. I caught 17 decent cuts in about two hours of fishing. If you go there do not he bring a sled or heavy equipment. The trip down the dam is really difficult. I started the morning catching the cutts with a small ice fly and meal worm. The fish would take it on the drop. I just set the hook when the line quit dropping. When it slowed down for a few minutes I switched to a green paddle bug. I do not think it really mattered what jig I had on, it was just a matter of waiting for the school to come back around. I was fishing in 30' of water. Just when I was about leave because my son was cold, FuzzyFisher and portahomer showed up. It was good to meet you both. Sorry that I could not stay and enjoy your company. I just got done grilling two of the cuts they were great.
Good Luck and Merry Christmas to all.
Sounds like you had a good time on the ice. Congrats on catching the nice fish. Good luck next time you head out, and have a merry Christmas.
Nice report WR, so how big were these cutts? Did you use any other bait besides meal worms? WH2
hey windriver dude. is was good fishing up there yesterday and good to meet you and your boy!! just a reminder to all who want to fish E-lake go light with the gear dont take any thing you dont have to.. the hill is very steep and the trial is not as good as last year it is very hard to get a sled up the hill at this time..no snowbobiles have been there this year so the side hill road has 2' to 3' driff's and is very tuff going..also there was 3"to4" of slush on the ice yesterday so if you have a snowmobile be cearfull not to get boged down and stuck out there it's a long walk to any where from the lake..
as windriver has said the fishing was good there yesterday the 4 of us caught about 50 to 60 fish and missed twice that amount.. i was using glow jig tiped with minnow or worm and did good all day.. i did get one fish that went 18" about 2 lbs but most are 12" to 15" but put up a great fight..
oh windriver i got your boy's chair it must have droped out of your sled on your way up the hill...i bet your glad you did not try and get that ice hut down on the ice huh? man i felt so bad for you trying to get all that stuf up the hill..hopefully some time this week or next week me and my buddy are going to try and get his wood ice hut up there and leve it on the ice for the winter..and going to try and get my snowmobile up and plow a trail up the side hill road and along the dam..
from the fuzzyfisher----------------fish on dudes
What a great day of fishing! My wife and father in law arrived with fuzzy about 9:30 and got a nice christmas present from windriver--he drilled about 8 holes for us with his gas auger and then gave us a bunch of red meal worms. It was a beutifull day and it was great having the whole lake to ourselves. Gerry caught most of his fish on the rainbow gitzit that fuzzy told us about. Tanya and I were using watta crickets in white glow and chart--they all worked about the same. most of the fish were caught right off the bottom-50 feet, which is about 5-6 feet deeper than it was last march when we were there-we would drop our line to the bottom and real in a couple twists and a fish would be on. I have to give credit to the wife for toughing it out--she alerted me that she had to pee at 1pm and we didn't leave until 3pm[laugh]. She took a little nap to ease the pain and then kept right on fishing.
Thanks for the trip fuzzy, you are great company and Gerry and Tanya said to tell you thanks and they really enjoy fishing with you also.