05-27-2014, 05:25 AM
Hi Everyone,
I've been a lurker here for a while and thought I'd try and make a contribution. First about me, I moved to Utah from Idaho two years ago. I live in Saratoga Springs and tend to fish this side of Utah Lake most of the time. Since the Knolls got all closed up, I've been launching my very un-remarkable grey and green pontoon from Pelican Point Marina (it helps that this is minutes from my house). Now I've seen the likes of Tube Dude fishing when I lived and launched on the other side of the lake (I didn't know it was Tube Dude at the time...he was just a dude on a tube). There is no danger of confusing someone like that with me. You see, he is organized, confident and his water craft of choice is squared away. I, on the other hand, might make you think things like "is he all right?"..."it looks like he's being attacked be a swarm of bees"...."should we help him? I think he's having a seizure"...."who is he cussing at?"...you get the idea.
Now the report. I launched from Pelican Point both Sunday morning and Monday afternoon. Saturday I headed south from the marina and was fishing at the crack of 8:00 AM. I flipped into the rip-rap around the marina for a while with no luck (BTW I keep hearing there are large mouth bass and walleye in Utah Lake, but all I ever seem to catch are white bass, catfish and carp...therefore those fish might as well be the Loch Ness Monster as far as I'm concerned...I keep trying to find Nessy though). Things picked up as I moved away from the marina and I amused myself catching white bass on my light 7ft rod with 4 pound test that I bought just for this purpose. The whities seemed to like 2.5" gulp minnows on 1/16th oz heads. I tried both dark and light colors with success, but when I switched to 3" minnows, I didn't do as well. There was a cold beverage in the cooler calling my name so I switched to the catfish setup and tossed out a nightcrawler with a chunk of shrimp near the reeds and prepared to kick back. My relaxation was interrupted a half dozen times by hungry kitties and I landed four in the 24" range. at about 2:00 PM the wind came up (from the wrong direction) and I got to row back into a stiff breeze.
Monday I launched at about 3:30 PM along with about 1000 of my closest friends and headed north away from the marina as fast as I could row. The water along the shore was muddier than the previous day I assume due to the boat traffic but the wind was calm and I was content to float and hang out. I decided today I would try to get some pictures and write a report which should have been the kiss of death as far as the catching goes. Things started normally with me playing with the whities who seemed to have the same tastes as the previous day.
I was tossing a 2.5" white and charteuse gulp minnow with a 1/16th oz jig head on my light rod when hell froze over. Suddenly I was holding a knife during a gun fight. At first I thought a silly catfish had grabbed my jig but the longer the fight went, the less I believed that to be the case. The fish had my pole doubled over and wasn't acting like any fish that I've ever caught in Utah Lake. Imagine my surprise five minutes later when I managed to tail and land my first ever walleye (luckily I watch enough fishing shows to know they have teeth). I didn't get a tape on him but there is an 18" tape on my pontoon and he hung off both ends. I'm estimating 23"-24".
Now remember, I had decided to get some pictures and also remember, I'm not the most organized boater on the lake so after the battle I managed to subdue Nessy and hold him down for a couple pics. He was docile and spent after the battle so imagine my surprise when the click of my i-phone camera suddenly brought him back to life and an epic battle erupted on my boat. My phone was flying through the air, the fish was flying through the air, curse words were flying through the air...you get the picture. I managed to grab my phone from mid-air and stow it in a pocket and lucky for me I had impaled my hand with Mr. Walleye's dorsal fin so he couldn't get away. Unfortunately, my cat like reflexes kicked in and I jerked my hand away and watched Nessy give one last big flop into the water. I like to think he learned his lesson and wont try messing with me again.
I spent to rest of the afternoon laughing at myself and catching kitties of the standard size and got off the water at 8:00 PM (when it was safe to go near the marina again).
Thanks to all of you who take the time to report. This was harder than I thought and the fact that you consistently take time to do it makes life better for those of us who spend way too much time not fishing.
I've been a lurker here for a while and thought I'd try and make a contribution. First about me, I moved to Utah from Idaho two years ago. I live in Saratoga Springs and tend to fish this side of Utah Lake most of the time. Since the Knolls got all closed up, I've been launching my very un-remarkable grey and green pontoon from Pelican Point Marina (it helps that this is minutes from my house). Now I've seen the likes of Tube Dude fishing when I lived and launched on the other side of the lake (I didn't know it was Tube Dude at the time...he was just a dude on a tube). There is no danger of confusing someone like that with me. You see, he is organized, confident and his water craft of choice is squared away. I, on the other hand, might make you think things like "is he all right?"..."it looks like he's being attacked be a swarm of bees"...."should we help him? I think he's having a seizure"...."who is he cussing at?"...you get the idea.
Now the report. I launched from Pelican Point both Sunday morning and Monday afternoon. Saturday I headed south from the marina and was fishing at the crack of 8:00 AM. I flipped into the rip-rap around the marina for a while with no luck (BTW I keep hearing there are large mouth bass and walleye in Utah Lake, but all I ever seem to catch are white bass, catfish and carp...therefore those fish might as well be the Loch Ness Monster as far as I'm concerned...I keep trying to find Nessy though). Things picked up as I moved away from the marina and I amused myself catching white bass on my light 7ft rod with 4 pound test that I bought just for this purpose. The whities seemed to like 2.5" gulp minnows on 1/16th oz heads. I tried both dark and light colors with success, but when I switched to 3" minnows, I didn't do as well. There was a cold beverage in the cooler calling my name so I switched to the catfish setup and tossed out a nightcrawler with a chunk of shrimp near the reeds and prepared to kick back. My relaxation was interrupted a half dozen times by hungry kitties and I landed four in the 24" range. at about 2:00 PM the wind came up (from the wrong direction) and I got to row back into a stiff breeze.
Monday I launched at about 3:30 PM along with about 1000 of my closest friends and headed north away from the marina as fast as I could row. The water along the shore was muddier than the previous day I assume due to the boat traffic but the wind was calm and I was content to float and hang out. I decided today I would try to get some pictures and write a report which should have been the kiss of death as far as the catching goes. Things started normally with me playing with the whities who seemed to have the same tastes as the previous day.
I was tossing a 2.5" white and charteuse gulp minnow with a 1/16th oz jig head on my light rod when hell froze over. Suddenly I was holding a knife during a gun fight. At first I thought a silly catfish had grabbed my jig but the longer the fight went, the less I believed that to be the case. The fish had my pole doubled over and wasn't acting like any fish that I've ever caught in Utah Lake. Imagine my surprise five minutes later when I managed to tail and land my first ever walleye (luckily I watch enough fishing shows to know they have teeth). I didn't get a tape on him but there is an 18" tape on my pontoon and he hung off both ends. I'm estimating 23"-24".
Now remember, I had decided to get some pictures and also remember, I'm not the most organized boater on the lake so after the battle I managed to subdue Nessy and hold him down for a couple pics. He was docile and spent after the battle so imagine my surprise when the click of my i-phone camera suddenly brought him back to life and an epic battle erupted on my boat. My phone was flying through the air, the fish was flying through the air, curse words were flying through the air...you get the picture. I managed to grab my phone from mid-air and stow it in a pocket and lucky for me I had impaled my hand with Mr. Walleye's dorsal fin so he couldn't get away. Unfortunately, my cat like reflexes kicked in and I jerked my hand away and watched Nessy give one last big flop into the water. I like to think he learned his lesson and wont try messing with me again.
I spent to rest of the afternoon laughing at myself and catching kitties of the standard size and got off the water at 8:00 PM (when it was safe to go near the marina again).
Thanks to all of you who take the time to report. This was harder than I thought and the fact that you consistently take time to do it makes life better for those of us who spend way too much time not fishing.