Decided to join the crowds for a memorial weekend cruise to Yuba, turns out it was well worth the trip. The weather left something to be desired Friday and Saturday but we still managed a couple of hours on the lake each day. The walleye were short biting all weekend so my best guess is we had 3-4 fish on for every one we got into the boat. It took awhile to get areas and colors down but it was good fishing after we did. We managed 5 walleye on friday before the rain and the wind did us in. On saturday the tally was 9 walleye in a couple of hours before the wind decided we were done. Sunday and Monday the weather cleared up and the fish turned on. We boated 13 walleye on Sunday and 19 walleye on Monday in 4 hours. We managed a handful of pike all weekend that ate our crawler harnesses. The girlfriend caught her first pike, not a monster, but she was still excited. That girl can sure put walleye in the boat! Most of the walleye were between 17-19" with a few 12-14" mixed in. The winning colors were Kokanee Creek Tackle white/black, purple/white, blue/white, chart/white, brass/black and also had some success on a slow death rig. Speed was 1.0-1.2 and depth was 10-17ft depending on the day. Also met Pikeman out there, It was good meeting you, sorry we didn't have a chance to talk much. Overall it was a great trip with good fishing and good company[fishin] Give me minute to upload a couple of pics....
Nice detailed report and pics Mike thanks for sharing it with us. i guess you never tried trolling any cranks? That is a wide color range on the worm harness but it sure sounds like the eyes are back at Yuba.
The one constant on colors was the white background. The shining stars were the white/purple and white/black. The only odd one out was the brass/black, which is quickly turning into my new favorite harness. The walleye are in good shape and it does seem we have another new/old walleye lake in utah....[fishin]
That is awesome !
When I was out the eyes were slow slow slow to bite and the pike would pick it up. What I get out of this is, I need to learn to fish for walleye ! I have only been trying for them for, well 1 year so its all new to me.
Great post man.
When the walleye are slow and just picking it up, you gotta feed em. Drop your rod tip back and let them get a hook in their mouth. It can take a minute, but they will usually commit and take it.
Sounds like yuba is making a comeback. Great report!
Great job Mike, sorry we couldn't make it down, but sounds like you did ok without us. Love the

on your gf face.
[#0000FF]Almost looks like she just lipped that little pikester. You better clue her in about the teeth thing.
Hey mike do you have wet dream on the side of your boat because I think I saw you on sunday[fishin]
Yeah Gary it would have been great to have you guys down there! We'll put a trip together again [cool]
She's got it by the Gill TD. I've been educating her on toothy critters [

Yup, that was me in the SS wet dream. What boat were you in? How did you do?
Maroon and cream colored crestliner we did alright caught 10 I fished that spot first thing in the morning and got nothing went back later and first drop down we hooked up
Sounds like you had a pretty good trip to Yuba, I haven't fished that lake since 2002, good to hear the walleye are making some what of a come back. I had heard some of the old crowd were having some pretty good days down there last summer. We spent the long weekend end at Starvation, the walleye were hit and miss for us, we had a couple nice meals of walleye and brought a few home to put in the freezer. My son landed his personal best, she went 27 1/2 inches and wieghed an even 8 lbs. She was returned to the lake alive and kicking. I haven't braved the armada at Willard yet, not sure I want to. Have a great summer, I'm sure you will be joining your dad for some tourneys up in WY.[fishin]
Hey Mike nice report, sure appreciate the details. Sounds like the eyes aren't nearly as aggressive down there as they are at Willard. Like the info on coaxing a shy fish. Later J