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Full Version: Have you ever lost your favorite lure, then caught the fish that took it the same day??
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Hi everyone, I have a huge tale of a fish story for you...Although it may be a bit dramatized this event actually happened to me this past summer!!

I was Bass fishing on a local lake... Lots of Bass , Northern and walleye....

It all started with the Bass attack, it seemed no matter what I did my buzz bait was on fire....It seemed almost every cast I had a hit or a fish on...We were working the shoreline seemed like it went fast...Caught numerous Bass, was a blast....We reached our destination point, so I set the trolling motor to move us around the point and mover back into the shallows on the otherside.....Me being the brave soul I am decided to cast my Buzz bait from one side of the point to the other(only about 20 yards wide)...So I worked that buzz bait off the shallows through the point( which had a 12 foot drop) towards me on the other side back to the shallows... First cast I saw a flash and a rush of swurlling water just behind my buzz bait..Nothing happended....So I casted again but working it a bit faster this time, I reached about the same spot I saw the flash and swirling water and BOOM..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Line was going out like 90 miles an hour...and ping.Gone.....The fish took 100 yards of line like a barracuda on fire!!! I was devistated and a bit upset, I guess it was my own fault know what I saw earl;ier was most likely one of the huge Northerns hanging in the area...I had seen him feeding previous evening up in the shallows in the area..
So being a bit bummed my favorite buzz bait was lost, I sat for about 10 minuates to reflect what I did wrong..Basically I had way too light of gear for what I had caught...I was almost positive it was that Northern that took it....So knowing that fish has been in the shallows in the area in the evening, I plotted to return just before dark to see if I could coax him into another battle of the buzz baits.....
We moved on along the shore line all afternoon taking our time...QWe caught alot of nice fish, but in the back of my mind was my favorite lure, gone, I can't believe it is gone... Not only was it my favorite it was my LUCKY charm....So all the while i was plotting on that barracuda of a pike, it was time already to head back to the area....
We moved in on the area near the point wear this Northern robbed me of my mojo!! I had plotted a plan to catch this fish.. I just happened to have my bait caster with(The one I use for salmon fishing on Lake Michigan), I found a nice Juicy replacement Buzz bait, not exactly the same but close...I doctored it up with a huge Golden shiner and moved into position ....While moving in I saw a flash up in the shallows, swirrls.... BOOM a big splash!!! I told my fishin buddy, That was him , It was Him....I moved in slowly.....I casted out deap a few times to get the action right before presenting it to him....( I also had a juicy wire leader on he he )...
WE moved in closer and closer, until we were about 30 yards from the last sighting...Figuring he was laying low nearby I casted the buzz bait intoo the shallows and woosh , he did a fly by missed the bait....So I hurryed up , reset and casted again.....Retrived slowly, just enough to get the bblades buzzin.... Then BAM,...zzzzzzZZZzzzzzzzzzzz, FISH ON and he is running and running.......I set my drag a bit harder to slow him down....Mind you I have 60LB line and wire leader now so it won't be so easy to break this time....
I faught him right then left the he went deep then he jumped and jumped again....It was a monster, My arms were sore and tired already... About 3 minuates have passed and still fighting him......I make some ground on him , almost had em in the net but we were laughing so hard my fishin bud fell in the boat LOL...He was ok but I am screaming for help, this fish is gonna eat me I said, it pulled so hard I had to get footing, I felt like I was fighting a world record Salmon instead of a Northern Pike!!!
Anyway we had em anout 6 feet from the boat and he spooked again , zZZzZZZzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzZ, Out goes the line again.....At this point I can barely hold on to the pole about 8 minuates have gone by now....He was breaking the line this time he he...
I gained ground on him once gain, he was tiring fast now.....I reeled and reeled and reeled.....My Fishin bud had the net ready...The biggest Net we had was about a 2 foot diameter one and about 36 deep, it looked like enough....
I get the Northern pike right up to the boat, he slipped the net over him from the head end and lifed LOL...NOT more like held on for dear like....That fish faught and faught and wiggled around in that net so hard we couldn't get him into the boat....No way I was reaching any of my hands near his mouth eithewr lol.....
Finally we both managed to get that darn fish in the Boat...I unhooked the Buzz bait or at least I thought I did...I looked at the lure and i was like WAHOOOOO....I got my mojo back.... Seriously, it was the same fish that robbed me earlierin the day... I couldn't believe I got my lure back....I had hoped I would get the same fish on but thats usually just a prayer.....I unhooked the other buzz bait and looked at my Fishin bud....So what are we gonna do with this Northern???(we don't eat em mostly catch and release for us) Well he said" lets get a measurement!" we did....46 and 1/8 inches.... I know I know it sounds too good to be true, But I have seen bigger ones taken out of these waters here..
We decide to make sure he was ok after the long fight and all... We set him carefully in the water and helped refill his gills swishing him forward and back and all of the sudden BOOF, splash.....and he was gone.....We waited a half hour to make sure he didn't end up belly up....He never surfaced and we figured he would be ok....
Well thats the story hope you enjoyed it...A true story also not a fish tale [Wink]...I would have had it mounted but no room on my walls lol all full already and he put up such a fight. I figured he deserved to live to annoy future would be anglers he he.....[pirate]
Welcome to the program!!!! [cool]That is one heck of a story, never caught a fish with my missing lure. But my sister did catch a day later the fish that took off with her stringer!!! Funny stuff.
never have but just the other day i wished for it we were ice fishing a lake when i set the hook on a fish that started pulling back unlike the 10' dinks we were catching all day this fish had my drag screaming ! got it up to hole 3 times and saw it was a huge rainbow trout in the 10# class finally busted my 4# mono that was a fish i wouldn't have minded bringing in a second time and finding my first lure in
how about the same fish three times ?
truth too , salmon fishing at tippy dam , the same salmon kept taking my fly and a few yards of line . i'de get him in close and i could see my flys and string and he'de shoot off and break my line again .
never ever grab that broke off line , darn near sliced off my fingers doing that !
I hear you on the grabbing broken line...I have done it with out thinking with some catfish on the Wolf River here Wisconsin.....Hmm I will have to check my Old calanders for some more good ones for you all to read..I usually write in days events every fishing trip on a calander for future reminders lol ....[blush]..I am sure I can dig up some fishing blunders and bloopers for you all yet!!!!
i was wiper fishing with a buddy here in utah when we had a double hook up on both of his rods i grabbed and ajusted the drag when i pulled on the line to see how the drag was set i snapped the line not wanting to lose his rattle trap i started pulling it in by hand went fine until the fish saw the boat and made a run got a couple of line burns for my trouble and a 3# wiper
[laugh][laugh]Never had that happen. While fishing with my grandson on the Kasiloff river, in Alaska, he hooked a big ol' King that had Six lures and two bare hooks in his mouth.
Grandson called it a 'Money fish' as those lure average over $2 bucks apeice.
I have been searching for another Fish Tale on my calender of woo's and whoa's... It seems I have found another Fish Tale to share with all of you...[sly]

[crazy] " A Whale of a Trout story"[crazy]

It all started the morning of June 23, 2001. It was a very calm peaceful morning, about 5:00 am, I walked out on the porch to enjoy a cup of coffee. I was waiting for a friend of mine to arrive this beautiful early summer morning, to take him on one of my famous Trout fishing adventures. You see, previous years this old friend of mine has been trying to get the nack for them skiddish brook trout. Unfortunately he has experianced alot of disappointing ventures.
So after listening to his stories of being out foxed by the Trout in these waters, I decided to see if I could be of any help to him. Now keep in mind I have been trout fishing since I have been 5 years old ( Thanks to Gramps ),
but nothing was going to have me prepared for this adventure to Northern Wisconsin with my good friend. I decided the best way to help him was to take him to where I knew they were biting. I already had visited my SECRET hotspot about 7 times since opening. I useually only keep 2 Trout for a meal unless posted otherwise. Some areas I fish are catch and release only Smile.
I started to get my SUV loaded, while I waited for him to arrive. As I was doing this, it began to suddenly sprinkle a little bit. No worries some of my best days Trout fish has been in the rain Smile. All the gear is set and ready, he called me on his cell phone and figured we may as well make a weekend of it. So I packed for camping as well. My friend had about a 1 hr drive to my place , then we had a 2 1/2 hr drive to the hotspot.
I have to describe this hotspot. For starters we have a rustic campsite about 30 yards from the river. Completely isolated from civilization, not a noise , car, highway noise or even a peep from any one else was heard. Only the rushing of crisp cool water over the rapids and random chatters from the wildlife in the woods.
We proceeded to get camp set up, didn't take long at all, at least it seemed that way. Anyway the weather cleared up and it started to get HOT and Humid by midday.
Knowing the area from previous adventures I proceeded to SPRAY down with deep woods off lol[shocked].
Once we had our gear all set, it was time to SNEAK up on the river. Anyone that has fished for these jittery brookies knows what I mean. Anyway I started out like usual a few small ones a couple of splips into the water[Wink]. Had to cool down a bit, was quite hot and humid at this point.
Our first few hours were not as productive as I had hoped it would be. I was almost frustrated, when my friend suggested we take a break regroup, let the river settle and get something to eat. I thought it was a great idea for my stomach was screaming for food. I agreed to we went back to camp , made some coffee, threw some burgers and brats o the grill and feasted. A break is just what we needed, now that I ate I needed a nap .LOL. Come on you all know what I mean, nothing like a nap in the woods with no rat race to listen too. We slept for about an hour and were extremely refeshed. Sometimes with the drive and heat impatience can hinder the fishing experiance so a little break and rest to slow things down was just what we needed.
Time was passing by fast, already it was about 4:30 PM, good thing we have long days this time of year. We took our time and proceeded back to the river. We snuck up as quiet as a mouse and didn't get too close , just close enough to cast onto a honeyhole. This spot had produced some 16+ inch Brookies(All Native Trout not planted in this area) for me in the past. We worked up and down the river , moving very slowly and casting gently. I used to Fly fish but alot of the areas I fish now, their is not enough room for casting Smile.
Ok Ok back to the fishin part. Now I let my friend lead and trust me I was impatient , I am used to having this spot all to myself and I know what it can produce.
I told hm to gently cast to the otherside and work the lure under a winfall...He did and BOOM, splash .. zzZZzZZzzZzZZzzZz(ultralite rod and reel set on light drag) still it made it sound like a whopper lol. Yep believe it or not, a friend of mine for 15 years, he never caught a brooke , rainbow and brown but the Brook trout eluded him for years. It was a nice Brook for a first one ver, 13 and 1/8 inches(ruler in my pocket LOL). Now keep in mind we had caught some smaller brown trout already this day. I know that isn't a world record Brook Trout , but just to see a very good friend and dedicated outdoorsmen finally break the ice with the Brookies was awsome.. But the adventure isn't done yet...We had some wild visitors that made camp quit exciting..And 2 MONSTER Brookies were caught on the same trip..Both are mounted Brook Trout now Smile!!![Wink]

To be continued tonight.....Have to run for now!!![Smile]
thanks for the interesting story ii myself have only caught 1 brook trout even though they are quit common here in utah it was a nice one about 19" the funny thing was i had no idea what it was ! i had to do some searching on the internet to figure out what it was
Continuation of the Trout story....

We headed back to camp and noticed alot of thigs were out of place. I looked around and saw a mess at camp... Nope wasn't a Bear, wasn't racoons or even anything you would even have guessed. I checked the ground around my , well used to be bag of Cheese puffs , LOL.. Behold the power of cheese I guess. Anyway as I was checking the ground I noticed some tracks, I couldn't believe my eyes... Was I seeing things or is the lack of civilization near getting my imagination going!!?? Nope nothing like that and actually it was just Deer tracks. Yep at least 2 yearlings from the small size I saw. They had raided our camp while fishing lol... Actually kind of funny, I would have never believed it if I didn't see all of the fresh tracks.
At thie point we were picking up the mess those little critters made. Once we were done we made sure to have all of our gear securly tucked into the SUV lol.. Let see em eat my otherbag of cheese puffs now lol.
Around a hour went by , we rested for a bit, in anticipation of fishing the last few hours before dark..We headed back to the river. This time my friend said " I think I got it now"" I know how you are getting those monster Brook Trout now".. I said yep and it wasn't exspensive equiptment or any fancy lure the aided us in our catches. All you have to do is sneak up on them and try not to let them see you or feel any vibrations through the ground, obviously this is on the small systems Smile.. The bigger rivers where you can wade a bit of the same sneakiness is used but in a little different way.. I don't know what any of you wear, I usully dress in camo.
But to get back to the fishing part... I was walking extremely slow moving just a little bit at a time. Trying to sneak up on a bend in the river. It has about a 12 foot hole on the outside corner and the banks are all undercut. It has been very productive in the past for me so I had a plan to work it very slow and patiently. It seemed like I was on that hole for hours but in reality probably only about 15 minuates. I worked every angle I could hit and nothing, I was bummed because I had hoped to get that Monster out of their on this trip.. I had seen him in the spring in that area feeding, also hed him do a few followups but never did get him to bite.
I started upstream again , quietly working the structure... The river has alot of rocks and trees in it. So their is always somesort of structure to fish.. It was like a river full of cribs for Trout lol.
I heard a splash, I looked back and saw the ripples left by that big boy down stream in that hole I had worked..At this point I was ready to pack it in for the day, no bigones yet , nothying slamming my baits. The big ones just were not in a feeding mode I guess. I headed back to camp My friend was already their with a huge grin.. I was like what is so funny, he said" Well I got one" with a huge grin" I got a monster Brook Trout" . I was like great where is he.. He chuckled and said well good thing I believe in catch and release LOL... From what he described to me it sounded like that trout was about 20 to 23 inches, not bad for a river Brook trout.. Especially for here in Wisconsin. He said that fish jumped up on a rock wiggled gave him a Wink and jumped back into the water spitting out the hook..
It may seem a bit unreal but have you ever wonder what a fish was thinking(if it could) it most likely would be something like this in that situation"Na na nana na. The whole time sticking its tounge out at you while swimming off.. Kind of funny if you think about it.
So our first day consisted of a few smaller Brooktrout,alot of Browns,a Deer raid on camp, and a Big Brook Trout with a sense of humor, a long drive, a Good brunch with a nap to follow. We felt the first day was a success, after all we were miles from any other fishermen Smile or people for that matter.. We were completely relaxed and built a camp fire to cook supper before turning in for the night.. After all 5:00am comes quick Smile.[sly]
To be continued: I will add a bit every chance I get..I have to make sure not to forget any good details from day 2..[crazy]
Hey I was fishing a lake that had smallmouths in it and I found a good spot and put a senko on. On my first cast a smallmouth hit and I dont know what happened because I set the hook and nothing happened. So I reel it in and I just have a hook on my line, no senko. So I put another one on and I cast it and another one hits. I hook this one and when I'm lifting him out of the water...MY MISSING SENKO FALLS OUT FALL OUT OF HIS MOUTH! So I got my senko back![Smile]
i guess that bass liked the taste of the first of the first senko might be something to rember when your out fishing with nothing to eat...LOL