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Full Version: Willard bay legend
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My little girl and i hit up willard bay yesterday, we managed to pick up a nice limit of the gold toothy buggers. Upon arival at the cleaning station, i noticed a gentleman (and i use that term loosely) lol wearing a bft hat and shirt. he introduced himself as wiper hunter. it was a great pleasure to meet him. we talked for quite some time, sharing stories ,sharing info, sharing favorite lures, colors, and of course what every fisherman has, theories. he was a gentleman, and I appreciated his interaction with my 12 year old daughter. boosting her confidence, applauding her catch, and always speaking with a clean Tongue. my hat is off to you sir, thank you. perhaps we could go fishing sometime, I could show you some secrets that I didn't disclose yesterday.. Lol.
Much Respect,
[#484848]Yes, He's kind of an all around good person and a fishing fool.[/#484848]
It was good meeting you and your daughter as well Samson. In your second pic with your daughter holding that wiper, the expression on her face is one of a pro, like Yea, I caught another one, no big deal but an awesome pic with the snowy mountain peaks in the back ground. She is getting to the age (teenager) when she will be thinking about other things and not wanting to fish with Dad as much, so enjoy the time you have together, it seems to go by so quick.