06-01-2014, 02:16 PM
My little girl and i hit up willard bay yesterday, we managed to pick up a nice limit of the gold toothy buggers. Upon arival at the cleaning station, i noticed a gentleman (and i use that term loosely) lol wearing a bft hat and shirt. he introduced himself as wiper hunter. it was a great pleasure to meet him. we talked for quite some time, sharing stories ,sharing info, sharing favorite lures, colors, and of course what every fisherman has, theories. he was a gentleman, and I appreciated his interaction with my 12 year old daughter. boosting her confidence, applauding her catch, and always speaking with a clean
. my hat is off to you sir, thank you. perhaps we could go fishing sometime, I could show you some secrets that I didn't disclose yesterday.. Lol.
Much Respect,

Much Respect,