Yes another willard report haha I've been reading them and haven't done a report myself! I finally got out to try it got the boat running good and me and the lady launched south marina at 12:00 yes late start but thought if try it it was fantastic I cought my first wiper and so did she we cought 13 wipers and kept 6 (: and was of the water by 2:30 trolled along freeway bay!
Great report thanks!
Anytime great day on the bay
[quote tl23life]Anytime great day on the bay[/quote]



Hey guys, all your reports have me way excited to try Willard. However, I have no boat. Can any of you out there give me general advice on shore access and I'm assuming mini curly-tailed jigs behind a bobber with medium retrieve would work for the crappie and maybe a wiper or two?
Thanks in advance! Might have to develop the flu tomorrow.....
I can't help you to much from the shore the only times I've really fished willard from the shore is for cats with some cut bait or shrimp and done pretty good for cookie cutters! Haven't seen a real big cat out of willard for years!!!
C Rappies come and go, and may not be available for shore at any given time. Use a slip sinker rig with mussels for wiperbait, but worms and chub minnows work sometimes, too. Long bobbers and bigger jigs, or spinners, swimbaits, etc might catch a wiper.