Went out to Willard bay for a couple of hours this afternoon. The only place we trolled was freeway bay. We ended up catching about 10 fish all across the board. We were trolling cranks at about 3.2 mph. We did get lucky and hooked up with a decent walleye. Overall a pretty awesome Sunday afternoon.
Now you're giving me the itch. I am still a good week away from being able to get out too[:/].
Nice report!
It has been real good for a while now, I almost question if it is slowing down a little... But still defiantly worth the boat ride.
Thats the biggest walleye ive seen come out of willard, good job bud!!
Thanks! My wife and I were way excited.
Wow, that is a very nice eye, for Willard. I've heard a few stories but the is the largest one I've seen this year. Thanks for sharing your report and pics. I guess the rumors of doom and gloom because the channel being open another year are proving not so bad after all[

]. Any idea on how much it weighted?
Yea, I don't think opening the inlet hurt things too bad, but I can't say I agree with snagging fish either. I don't dare guess on a weight, pretty healthy fish though.
The last big eye I caught was 26" and weighed 6 lbs. So if yours was 24", I bet it was around 4 or so pounds. Very healthy looking fish. Did you notice if it had any thing in it's stomach?
I think your probably right on the weight. And yes I did check his stomach and nothing....
I guess that is why it was hitting your lure, it was hunger[

wow that's a great walleye nice catch[cool]
Congrats, great looking fish...
That length can easily be 5 to 5 1/2 lbs. Sweet fish. A giant for willard! For Utah Lake just another eye. Have seen even 23 inches to 5 lbs.