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Full Version: UL carp on the fly
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I had a boat full of Wounded Warriors this morning, but the north winds had the lake chopped up so I pulled the big pontoon boat back to safe harbor at the dock.
fishing was very slow for catfish, due to many unknown mysterious factors.
A few carp were rolling around the docks so outcome the fly rods. We tied on a small grasshopper pattern and cast to the surfacing fish.
It was fortunate that this proved successful, as the other rods baited with white bass, carp meat, crawlers and stink bait all proved unsuccessful.
Around noon we fired up the grill on the boat and enjoyed a chicken lunch. Before the day was over there were more than a dozen aboard the boat including volunteers. A great day in anyone's book. Fish are not essential to a good fishing trip, but a carp or two turns a skunk into a bouquet.
Carp are a fantastic prey. Specially if you don't keep fish anyway. And I can't compare as Fly Fishing is the only way I have ever caught one (or hundreds), but it keeps me coming back for more.

DOG BISCUIT fly, easy to tie and flat out works.
Dog biscuit fly? Don't tell me you actually tie on a dog biscuit?[Tongue]
Sort of. It is a fly "called" the dog biscuit. It is a hair fly actually, and floats like a cork. All I know is it has fooled a lot of carp.
[Image: IMG_1603_zps48846154.jpg]
I would never feed this one to my dog![shocked]
Interesting looking ball of hair.
There are some beaches on the Green River where that fly kills it too but I have to be seriously desperate to use it.
It's a fly and I am always desperate...[Wink]
Don't get me wrong I will definitely be trying that on carp very soon now that I know that the fly I've been using to imitate wheat bread on the Green works for carp too.
Is it chumming if you happen to know where the scouts just ate their lunch? [cool]
[laugh][laugh] An English fisher emailed me on posts I have been making using this fly. He asked me if I did chum when using it. I told him no, not legal here. Apparently this fly was designed to use when chumming. He was pleasantly surprised that it worked without.
I tie them in White, Yellow and Natural Deer hair. It has been mistaken for a mouse.
We have a lot of cotton floating around on the river, plus the seedletts off the Chinese Elm.
If I see any species rising, I gotta "try" a biscuit.
So, what size/weight tippet do you use when fly fishing for carp? I imagine it would need to be heavy because they are strong fish, but they are also pretty easily spooked. Also, did you have to cast very far to reach the carp? As I said, most of the carp I've seen are usually heading the other way because they already saw me first.