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Powerbait crappie nibbles that is!

Headed to Deer Creek with ambitions of blackened "dinner plates" along the shore. Within minutes I got the text from EvilTyeDyeTwin that life had been detected on the outer reaches of Charleston Bay.

The Deer Creek Dandies, were these the black crappie we had been looking for???????????
[Image: IMG_7997_zps20497c57.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7966_zps7b6cf2cb.jpg]

Kind of yellow looking crappie to me but with the NASA approved fish board most of them came in above 10 inches with the best at 11.5 inches.
[Image: IMG_8002_zps5339c5fc.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7978_zps22406d2c.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7984_zps4aefd4da.jpg]

With beer in hand (grapefruit beer in the morning is good for you) I was ready for the long haul.
[Image: IMG_7959_zpsaafb3ad9.jpg]
We walked along the railroad all the way to Decker Bay (past island beach) before realizing we must have been chasing a mirage in the desert!

4 miles covered in 3 hrs along the affectionately named "trail of tears" with nothing to show for it but some newly invented curse words and sore legs, it was time to call it a day for fishing at Deer Creek.
[Image: IMG_8005_zps956a5d70.jpg]

Spent 2hrs with my dad at island beach before thinking that the provo boat harbor may be a way to salvage the day. It was "ultra combat fishing" at its finest. I think there were as many mosquitoes as people out on Utah Lake today! We got in line with everyone else, spent 30 mins exercising the casting arms, and bailed.

In case you were wondering.....DC was pretty windy today too!
[Image: IMG_8006_zpsfe19f33b.jpg]
Nice fat perch! How was dinner?
Nice on the perch TDT's. Those crappies are tough to find unless your right on them, i went last week in a little bit different area and only managed a few nice crappies but no perch. Good eats[Smile]
Nice report and pics TDT, i'm guessing the perch had long ago spawned but boy those orange fins sure are bright. Did you guys catch many SMB?
[quote albinotrout]Nice fat perch! How was dinner?[/quote]

Haven't eaten them yet. Just fillet them at 1am last night. Probably gonna fry them with some "loaded mashed potatoes."
[quote wiperhunter2]Nice report and pics TDT, i'm guessing the perch had long ago spawned but boy those orange fins sure are bright. Did you guys catch many SMB?[/quote]

No eggs or anything in the ones I cut open last night.

Good question on the SMB. I only caught the one. It took a charturuse marabou jig with powerbait crappie nibbles with berkley's crappie attractant all over it. So far that rig has caught crappie, perch, wiper, and SMB.

Really once the wind kicked up the action died off.[frown]
Nice report and nice fat fish!
[quote fmrusmc]Nice report and nice fat fish![/quote]

Thanks. That 11.5in perch was bigger than some of the trout I catch on my lunch break at the community ponds. And I betcha it tastes better too!

Bring on the PANKO!
Nice fish Tye Dye!! Good job
Yeah, thought that top one in the line up looks a little less stripey and a bit more mouthey than the rest of them crappie. Quite the lineup, and some decent size.

Did you weed through more fingerlings for your collection? Makes me think of this pic.

So how do you rig them niblet rigs? Under bobber, three way weight on bottom? just a jig and wiggle?

We used to have a string of little golden hooks, some were so enthusiastic we didn't even need to keep bait on the hooks. Guess we can do a triple now.
[inline "Count the Losses.jpg"]
[quote CoyoteSpinner]
Did you weed through more fingerlings for your collection?

So how do you rig them niblet rigs? Under bobber, three way weight on bottom? just a jig and wiggle?
We kept every perch we could get our fat little fingers on!

I take a bobber and a 1/32oz marabou jig (black head, chartruse green body and tail) and put powerbait crappie nibbles in chartruse green, and slather berkley's crappie attractant juice all over it.
Hey brothers!

Been too long since we've wet a line together. Finally getting back out on the water after some tugs. When we getting out there? ; )

Good looking fish you've got there. Still after the elusive crappy? That was our last trip out I think, to E.C... or maybe we did the mirror lake hike last. Not sure.

By the way how do you get your pictures to have such a deep blue? Is it a filter or is it just a quirk of your camera?
I have caught plenty of crappie in places like willard, cutler, and utah lake. However East Canyon and Deer Creek won't give up the goods.

I thought the last fish trip we took was silver lake early ice fishing? Quite possibly it was the "Uinta trip". I don't think I will ever figure out how one of those fish escaped the stringer though!

As for the pics....good cameras have lots of options.

I will be getting out tomorrow, saturday, and sunday.

Sunday is probably a Mantua day, maybe you can kick my "bass" again for Largies![laugh]
Ya I haven't seen marine spears in like 2 years when ever we hit the ice.
might be a couple-few-months yet for ice. [crazy] [:p]