Fishing Forum

Full Version: Want to borrow: canoe or 2-man kayak
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Anyone in the Boise area willing to let me borrow/rent a canoe or 2-man kayak from June 19-24? I'm a very responsible adult, taking my 3 kids and wife to Sage Hen for a family camping trip. Would like to get away from the shore. I have life jackets for all 3 of my kids, just need a water vessel.

Reply or PM if there are any takers.

Thanks, and I hope I haven't broken any site rules with this request.
I think I can help you out. We got a 13' Coleman you could use. It's squirrely and tippy but a lot of fun and perfect for Sage Hen. It's down at our Jackpot cabin but I can drag it back for you before then. Rent? How about you just put the invasive sticker on it as i haven't done so this years yet. Let me know.

Done! And thanks a TON!

PM me for pickup details?