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Full Version: Bottom Bouncing Yuba?
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Now that we have bottom bouncing figured out we thought we might try bottom bouncing Yuba for the walleye there before we begin our search for more pike.

Has anyone bottom bounced it before for the walleye and where should we look for them? we are open to suggestions!
Hundreds of people in the past during its hay day. Walleye caught pretty much all over the lake from Painted Rocks to the dam. You will probably donate a few worm harness rigs to the Northerns while searching for the walleye.[cool]
That is to be expected Smile we even bought extras in anticipstion.

try east beach, I've done very well in the past there. last year I used a few bottom bouncers/worm harness and lost 3 worm harnesses to pike, so I tied one up with braid line and that works pretty well.