06-17-2014, 12:54 AM
06-17-2014, 01:08 AM
MAN these mutant Cat Fish are HUGE. On face book there is this one:
[url "https://www.facebook.com/joseph.sommer.54?hc_location=timeline"]Joseph Sommer[/url]
[url "https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1431576103778665&set=a.1379628852306724.1073741826.100007788660223&type=1"]June 14[/url]
Look at this one, I caught this flat head at Lake Sanchris in pawnee,Illinois this evening it's so big it's 10 1/2 feet long over 650 lbs,the conservation officer had to get a tarp he pulled it up on for me so it didn't swallow me whole , now that's what I call a dang good catch !! Wassuppp now anglers check me out yeahhhhhhh buddy all caught on my dam pocket fisherman , good thing I had a wire liter and a good eagle claw with fresh crayfish for bait and new string,I strung earlier today I got at Big Reds Bait and Tackle on Stevenson Dr in spfld. BOY it looked like a floating canoe when I finally landed this big ol mud flathead I drug up off the bottom of the lake out of that mud! Finally after no bite for hours I nailed this one , what a catch , heck I lost 10 pounds catching this huge mud flat head , I think I let it go there about 30 years ago LOL! Show all u r friends this one , this is how us Sommer boys catch em , we catch em real big !! Caught 06/14/2014 at 2:22pm took by Joe Sommer II , son of pro fisherman Joe Sommer of Springfield, Il. Took 2 hours and 47 minutes to get it in by his big hawg Zebco pole that he had just strung earlier that day with 150 lb test Stren brand string he got from Big Reds Bait Shop, The same kind his Grandma Millie Sommer would use out at Bob's lakes years ago catching carp in her lawn chair with her tin tackle box, the light brown one she'd always use. He was Well taught to fish by his father Pro fisherman Joe Sommer, Congratulations Joe Sommer II of Springfield Illinois on This day before Father's day catch. What a catch it was ! sir , feel free to share this one's with your buddies , it's one for the Sommer Reunion Album.Certified weight and length by the Illinois Wildlife Fish and Game , and was taken legally with 150 lb Stren String test on a Hawg Zebco reel, with a heavy action Zebco Rod. I think Bass pro, Tracker, Trilene, Zebco, Eagle Claw,should sponsor Joe Sommer II and his fishn partnr Brian Fraim.
— feeling tired with [url "https://www.facebook.com/missy.singer.33"]Missy Singer[/url] and [url "https://www.facebook.com/browse/participants/?q=AeJ755qbW99uQHS77ATs0UHELiiQbwrby90XAOc90H4cwuVVOJ4Mpd-vaZ7Z3QsIlGPp_26RLq5bNNgW8VVn-Su4a_ur66Del8lKtK0J_g4ZkORbb6D2u6UCrPApgykfhioCn688D5BLAddd-IKtBsvU3rKVU4RmXj-jPMz0dgD2pPjoasJgzc1qCx3S3KfjlfjkzUN3BjLWQtK5gSXDDIqHKx_In22TmkSmKhB84ZiyOFMmxZZe7gJoov2ByY8sAtHuwB2rJYbnyRX58yd9gQoxuqEbF5k-5SDmztqGExJvg34m2fP1jKNC9z_6efc-jvB2Btn3ejV-8ZgaYOgWsfOlOLSNVMIfPVdNEaIg_6I6ORZLYtaR7NoOP_lPFWu49jsZsBLWwhdM9rZoLQWtlZhz2fuMo44tpnj5rs6FRWMe5fYmnl7rKoVeMjdFzxVD7V3hJfshtNj2T5m0zy-4Peyr7hBOs1nHl1TiWnDLyIG3Ruz-cBcNgrEHijrbw_nt3vMOLtZlm1ci07QC8A0YXpENUW1AUJiXweOtxrWbcWvQZLZhc3DWzAIXIA_okYJsem0rVvysbwE7tgQ9nz1cgyxmHQUBX7gxF0s-CBHIFKN8b_9_rpORRvWqC7xM6aORXe6EzTnQSymLJrzFqZ7-uRYLEjKUYH28aztA8urQTwUGKch4ASlQEKhZkr-9a7OR6khV51ZVQ_G6SeHdGZdZX9VMgMo57obQS244kMr0wZ-X4MIWXGju06WhEY-u7HF9rZ7zQkYR_znEik2tE5BDaDfufhnBdnaxn6-0BD_tUQ9KhZjlob4HeJx5FTdAqYm60awBh1wEGm98snhLcabC2xu2ta2p1KeCesR9fuL7MK5W4mr2MpcuufXJ5K8RqQXAKcmlS9m2tkFS01HKzePnyybZjPS4nmZ36jFvQb5Jciu0aNSEM0OgJ7gnXL3FbCXAncs"]38 others[/url] at [url "https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sanchris-Lake/207603135930082?ref=stream"]Sanchris Lake[/url].
[url "https://www.facebook.com/joseph.sommer.54?hc_location=timeline"]Joseph Sommer[/url]
[url "https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1431576103778665&set=a.1379628852306724.1073741826.100007788660223&type=1"]June 14[/url]
Look at this one, I caught this flat head at Lake Sanchris in pawnee,Illinois this evening it's so big it's 10 1/2 feet long over 650 lbs,the conservation officer had to get a tarp he pulled it up on for me so it didn't swallow me whole , now that's what I call a dang good catch !! Wassuppp now anglers check me out yeahhhhhhh buddy all caught on my dam pocket fisherman , good thing I had a wire liter and a good eagle claw with fresh crayfish for bait and new string,I strung earlier today I got at Big Reds Bait and Tackle on Stevenson Dr in spfld. BOY it looked like a floating canoe when I finally landed this big ol mud flathead I drug up off the bottom of the lake out of that mud! Finally after no bite for hours I nailed this one , what a catch , heck I lost 10 pounds catching this huge mud flat head , I think I let it go there about 30 years ago LOL! Show all u r friends this one , this is how us Sommer boys catch em , we catch em real big !! Caught 06/14/2014 at 2:22pm took by Joe Sommer II , son of pro fisherman Joe Sommer of Springfield, Il. Took 2 hours and 47 minutes to get it in by his big hawg Zebco pole that he had just strung earlier that day with 150 lb test Stren brand string he got from Big Reds Bait Shop, The same kind his Grandma Millie Sommer would use out at Bob's lakes years ago catching carp in her lawn chair with her tin tackle box, the light brown one she'd always use. He was Well taught to fish by his father Pro fisherman Joe Sommer, Congratulations Joe Sommer II of Springfield Illinois on This day before Father's day catch. What a catch it was ! sir , feel free to share this one's with your buddies , it's one for the Sommer Reunion Album.Certified weight and length by the Illinois Wildlife Fish and Game , and was taken legally with 150 lb Stren String test on a Hawg Zebco reel, with a heavy action Zebco Rod. I think Bass pro, Tracker, Trilene, Zebco, Eagle Claw,should sponsor Joe Sommer II and his fishn partnr Brian Fraim.
— feeling tired with [url "https://www.facebook.com/missy.singer.33"]Missy Singer[/url] and [url "https://www.facebook.com/browse/participants/?q=AeJ755qbW99uQHS77ATs0UHELiiQbwrby90XAOc90H4cwuVVOJ4Mpd-vaZ7Z3QsIlGPp_26RLq5bNNgW8VVn-Su4a_ur66Del8lKtK0J_g4ZkORbb6D2u6UCrPApgykfhioCn688D5BLAddd-IKtBsvU3rKVU4RmXj-jPMz0dgD2pPjoasJgzc1qCx3S3KfjlfjkzUN3BjLWQtK5gSXDDIqHKx_In22TmkSmKhB84ZiyOFMmxZZe7gJoov2ByY8sAtHuwB2rJYbnyRX58yd9gQoxuqEbF5k-5SDmztqGExJvg34m2fP1jKNC9z_6efc-jvB2Btn3ejV-8ZgaYOgWsfOlOLSNVMIfPVdNEaIg_6I6ORZLYtaR7NoOP_lPFWu49jsZsBLWwhdM9rZoLQWtlZhz2fuMo44tpnj5rs6FRWMe5fYmnl7rKoVeMjdFzxVD7V3hJfshtNj2T5m0zy-4Peyr7hBOs1nHl1TiWnDLyIG3Ruz-cBcNgrEHijrbw_nt3vMOLtZlm1ci07QC8A0YXpENUW1AUJiXweOtxrWbcWvQZLZhc3DWzAIXIA_okYJsem0rVvysbwE7tgQ9nz1cgyxmHQUBX7gxF0s-CBHIFKN8b_9_rpORRvWqC7xM6aORXe6EzTnQSymLJrzFqZ7-uRYLEjKUYH28aztA8urQTwUGKch4ASlQEKhZkr-9a7OR6khV51ZVQ_G6SeHdGZdZX9VMgMo57obQS244kMr0wZ-X4MIWXGju06WhEY-u7HF9rZ7zQkYR_znEik2tE5BDaDfufhnBdnaxn6-0BD_tUQ9KhZjlob4HeJx5FTdAqYm60awBh1wEGm98snhLcabC2xu2ta2p1KeCesR9fuL7MK5W4mr2MpcuufXJ5K8RqQXAKcmlS9m2tkFS01HKzePnyybZjPS4nmZ36jFvQb5Jciu0aNSEM0OgJ7gnXL3FbCXAncs"]38 others[/url] at [url "https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sanchris-Lake/207603135930082?ref=stream"]Sanchris Lake[/url].