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Full Version: Rainy morning fishing at the Pig 06/18/14
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Dubob and I fished the Pig yesterday from about 8am to 2pm. We launched from the back ramp in the rain but after an hour or so the rain let up. Lake looks to be about 5 ft down from full pool. Water temp was 59* at launch and warmed up to 61* later in the day. We trolled epic lures and KCT spinner squids, at 5 to 15 ft deep and had our limits about 1:45pm but ended up throwing two more back plus double that with long line releases. Fish are bigger this year with the average being 11" but a few were 12". It was a cold day but as always, it was good fishing with you Bob. Pics to follow.
Sounds like good news for the Pig. I still need to figure out where this back "ramp" is. Did you take your boat? Any problem with the shoreline under wet conditions?

Heck, if you can launch your big boat, I should be able to get my little tug on the water...
so dodgers too, or just the squiddies and lures? Any hot colors on the day?

At 5-15, were you downrigging even?

Camera broke? [crazy]
I know you manage a pretty full dance card, but if you ever have an open spot, sure would like to tango with willard or porky the way you do!
This is the epic lure and color I was using:
here is the one Bob was using:

Yes, I took my boat. Even in rainy conditions we had no problem launching. Yes, we were using dodgers. Yes, we were using downriggers but we also caught them on the surface using bullet weights and lead core line. Did your read where I said I would add pics later[:/]. So John, are you willing to take time off from work to fish during the week?
Those would be perfect for canning. Just head and gut them, remove the fins and put them tightly in a pint jar with 1/2 tsp of salt and pressure cook at 15 lbs for 90 minutes. yum..
Very nice.
Good to see the Pig producing some better fish. When did they install a cleaning station? lol
LOL, I was wondering how long it would take someone to notice the cleaning station, this pic will show the location of the cleaning station better for those that know the area[Wink].
Yea, the kokes are a much better size this year, at least for the Pig.
[#484848]Have you or Dubob ever tried jigging for them with a small Tazzy Devil, tied on like a Zinger? I loved to jig those Zingers at the gorge a few years back, and I was thinking a downsize might work at the Pig.[/#484848]
[#484848]Hmm ....... Maybe I could make a small pink Zinger type lure.[/#484848]
Did you find most your action closer to the dam or toward the back of the reservoir?? I have always wanted to pull my boat to that back ramp but have never done it. I have a 17' lund the trailer is a single axle think I would be ok??
You never know, it might work but the fish were so shallow on Wens that we did not even mark them. Later in the season when they are deeper and easier to see on the finder, it would be worth a try. I have never tried it during the soft water season.
Yes, most of the fish we caught were closer to the dam. You would have no problem launching your boat at the back ramp but you might need a 4x4.
Did I make it to 20-questions?

thanks for all the info. Definitely sounds like some fun catching. I gotta tear myself away from kitties and try some other flavors of fishing. Gonna have to bite the bullet and get a new marine battery I think. Been enough years I guess.
I've be thinking an electric trolling motor is a better bet out there - especially if they are running shallow.

Funny on the cleaning station. Not the first time you've stopped by there on the way back. Yeah - not much for "facilities" at the Pig. Even your "ramps" are - um - well, rock/dirt/mud! So is the first ramp just so steep that it's easier to take the drive around? That road is just so danged narrow at spots - pretty much one car passing... and with a boat.

Hope there weren't any waterskiiers out! [crazy][mad][shocked]