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Full Version: 8 Year old wants to catch Grayling
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A few months back I made a deal with my son that if he worked real hard I would take him, his older sister and little brother to the Uintas to fish for grayling. He needs to catch a grayling to check it off his list. I know of a few lakes that hold grayling but it requires a long hike. My boy is a trooper and would have no problems but I am hoping to find something a bit closer to the road. In a few weeks my wife and I plan to take the three kids back packing for 2 nights and 3 days. We have all the gear and supplies just looking for suggestions on wear we can catch grayling and maybe some decent sized brook trout.
Trust me the lakes with tons of grayling are fish lake loop, round lake, and sand lake. They are mostly graylings in their but very few brookies or cutties.

To round lake I believe its 7 miles and fish lake loop is 9 miles. Bring cinnamon and black ants fly pattern. You can catch so many of them to the point you will get sick of catching them in the end of the day. For me it's a one day trip. I'd never stay and camp just for graylings. They are fun to catch to see the amazing purple dots. Other then that they are weak fighters.

Other then those lakes good luck catching them.

If your lucky and know where they are at maybe just maybe upper provo river or black dimond creek. It's the river when you drive past butterfly lake .

In the past 4 years on those part of the river I've only caught about 5 of them. Rest brookies and maybe a bow.

If you go on that 9 mile trip make sure everyone got a mosquito net hat and mosquito repellent .
Washington and trial have quite a few grayling also crystal lake. All easy access. Also try the streams around that area. Remember they have smaller mouths so flies or salmon eggs work good.
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Like this one my 7 year old caught two weeks ago?
[inline grayling.jpg]

Although I have not caught one at Trial, I have seen them rising just in front of me.
Very nice fish your 7 year old caught.

Thanks for the suggestions, we will not just be camping to catch grayling. We love to hike, camp and fish, my boy just wants to catch a graying so that he can check another one of his list. I have caught quite a few in the past, just always looking for new places to visit and explore.
Marjorie lake holds grayling also. It is about a 1.5 to 2 mile hike from the crystal lake TH. Several other lakes in the area to fish as well.