Yea, but not anywhere in Utah............just got back from 3 days in N.E. Ohio right up close to Lake Erie. Was there on business for USAF, wish I could have had a full day to hit the lake. I drove up to one of the local city parks that have shoreline along the lake (Mentor-on-the-Lake) Wednesday after my business was completed. Could see the White bass popping the surface (kind of like a Wiper boil at Willard) saw one boat sitting out just beyond. Was almost too far away to tell if they were catching anything. But a guy on a bike rode up close and said that he had been out the day before (before the heavy wind, rains and thunderstorms) and had limited out on White Bass and Walleye, the walleye were averaging 27-29" and fat.
Anyway, planning on hitting the water in the morning, just can't decide on Willard or Cutler. Well I'll flip a coin in the morning and go from there. [fishin]
Cats are biting at Cutler but not as fast as I'd like. Water has been quite low this week so use extra caution in shallow areas. It was down about a foot but they are supposed to be sending more down from bear lake as long as the farmers don't use it all before it gets here it might recover a little. Good luck wherever you decide to go. Later J
Well, turned out to be Willard. Not a bad day. Some wind, no bugs, then almost no wind, some bugs, then kind of settled to a breeze enough to keep the worst of the bugs away, but not hard enough to make navigating the boat tough.
Boated 4 smallish Wiper. Could have kept, but just didn't want to clean fish today so released them all, and one respectable Cat.
When the power squadron started chopping up the water worse than the wind, was time to call it a day.
But felt good to be back on the water after being out of town last week.
Saw a BFT'er launching as I was pulling out about 3 PM. Was in a Sylvan, with a good looking, and friendly Boxer (K9 fishin buddy) but I dang near ran that good looking dog over. He popped out of the high brush on the west side of the middle ramp just as I was pulling the TinCan up. Good thing I was going slow. Would have really hurt me to have hit that dog, I love dogs, and I had a great fishin buddy for several years (a Golden Retriever) that I had to have put down last September.
Anyway not a bad day and I kept that crafty old skunk out of the boat.
Thanks for the update TC. Sounds like Willard is getting back to normal summer catch rates. Still dang fun though. Just polished off the last of my wiper and walleye catch from Willard and they were so good. Best fish I think I've ate. I sure need to get back over and catch a few more. Totally enjoyed each meal so thanks to everyone for talking me into keeping a few of the warm water fish. Catch ya later J