Fishing Forum

Full Version: Slow at Current Creek Res.
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Well I had a trip out with the entire family. We got the grand parents, parents, sisters family, all neices and newphew included. The trip was a blast, and I wish I could go back for a few more days.

We did spend several hours every day both in the boat and from shore. Fishing from bank was slow but consistant, with about 1 fish per hour when we had 4-6 lines out at a time, and they would take one slow hit and that was it, so you had to be on your A game. from the boat wasn't much faster, trolling 3 lines at a time produced about 1-2 fish per hour. We tried a varity of speeds, depths, lures, and locations.

It took 4 days of fishing to produce enough fish to send everyone home with about 2 meals, but the weather was nearly perfect, and the evening were nice a cool.
Nice report. Sorry about the slownwss but getting together with family is always a plus.
It was pretty slow on Saturday for my son and I, but we made it work. I'd love to have a boat on CC.