12-25-2003, 06:48 PM
Hey there guys,
This is C entry of the recreational sportfising organization directory. This organization is NOT open to the general fishing public.
[size 2]Last Update: Dec 25 03[/size]
Name: R(ecreational) F(ishing) A(lliance)
Location: California.
Website: California: [url "http://www.sacernup.org"]SAC[/url]
Membership: Those that are commercially involved in the sportfishing industry in California. (Again, not open to the general fishing public)
Program: This organization is fighting for our right to fish California coastal water's on a recreational sportfishing basis. This organization is active with government agencies in conservation issues.
Dues: Annual
Other: Hope your favorite landing or sportfishing boat joins this organization to help promote our 'right' to fish and keep or gain access to public lands/waters.