I am looking for any info about the lower Provo from the Olmstead Diversion dam dawn through Provo, along the Provo River Parkway trail, or any good spots to park and fish, then move a mile or less and park and fish again.
I searched the forums, but the only threads I could find, were 10 years old.
I spin and bait, and I'm starting to get back into fly fishing too, so I'm looking for suggestions on just about everything, best lures, flies, tips tricks and techniques!
Fishing can be fair on stretches of the river. It has a couple factors working against being better. Summer water flow is an issue. Through town there is often very little water flow during the hot summer months. It also gets fairly heavy pressure in spots.
Prior to whirling disease, the DWR actually used to stock trout in the river. They stopped doing that so the only trout now are self-reproducing browns.
With the greater focus on community fisheries, I have hoped that the DWR would again stock trout in waters like the Provo River. It would provide greater opportunity for lots of young anglers who currently have limited access to fishing spots.
Best spots to fish are typical trout feeding and resting habitat. You can see fish rising in most of the spots on almost any evening.
Thanks picespursuer, I think I'll take a wander down there on Saturday morning as early as I can... I just got invited out to Mill Hollow res Thursday or Friday evening so I'll be dangling a worm or a spinner there first
Fishing is actually pretty good in this stretch and I'm of the opinion that there are many wild browns throughout. I've done well on hot summer evenings with an Elkhair caddis or other caddis dry flies and small yellow sallies and such.
Water is quite low for other types of fishing, as stated previously. Havent used anything but a fly rod in there, but my teenagers used to catch them on spinners, so I suppose that could work.
Good luck, the water is low and you have to keep on the move.
Thanks Watershadow!
Fly fishing it's going to be then.
Gulp minnows on jigheads, tube jigs, husky jerks, spinners, twister tail grubs, and even small poppers have worked for me on the provo through town for the browns that are in there. The closer you get to Utah Lake, the better chance you have of catching non-trout species.
I haven't fly fished on that section much but, if it's similar to the Spanish Fork River this time of year, skating an elk-hair caddis across the head or tail of some of the pools gives some absolutely explosive strikes.

It's one of those times where a perfect drag-free drift is _not_ wanted.
The Lower Provo is excellent fishing all year long. Right now is actually perfect.
Directly below the Olmstead, there's a stretch with a lot of boulders. Hit that with black jigs or spinners (or worms) and you'll do well. I really like using Gulp minnows there (or anywhere).
The stretch between Canyon Glen park and Nunns Park is awesome. I really like it there.
Just below the Murdock Diversion, you can catch fish for quite awhile just throwing Gulps, jigs, or spinners. Easy stuff.
Right at the mouth of the canyon, there's another diversion with a big iron bridge crossing the river. Above and below that can be pretty good too.
On the Lower, anywhere you find a bridge will usually harbor some fish too (think of parks). Most people bypass the valley floor stretches, but they hold some great fish and plenty of them.
You're looking for spots to pull over and fish, then drive a little bit and repeat? That's exactly what the LoPro is through town.
Hit the stretch by DI in Provo, Riverwoods area, LDS Motion Picture Studio area, and even down by Geneva Road. The river is loaded.
You'll catch mostly dinks, but there are still great fish in it.
I even caught a rainbow this year on lunch break, near the LDS studio.
Thanks Morcey2 and LOAH for the other side of the fish, so I'll take all the kit and play the holes and runs one at a time, I want to have a gentle stroll, (bad knee), fish a little, see the river, move back to the car, drive a little and repeat all for the morning hours I can.
Thanks to everyone, I'll tell the tales when I get home, and pictures are nice too, (I know; no pictures = never happened)!