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Hello everyone... I have been looking at expanding my knowledge on fishing knots and I was wondering what everyones favorite knot to tie a florocarbon leader to a main line braid? I know there are few out there so Id like your opinions..... Thanks in advance![Smile]

Uni-Uni. Tie it with seven turns in the braid uni and five turns in the mono one. Have NEVER had one slip - and it's a very slim knot with no tag ends sticking out sideways.

And SO simple to tie. A uni knot is nothing more than an overhand knot with multiple wraps.
I second the double uni knot use it to tie my leader to the lead core line
Uni uni for me too.. Simple to tie no slips for me either..I use a 25lb braid to 12 floro
[font "Calibri"]For simplicity I also use the uni to uni knot but the modified Albright has a much stronger knot.[/font]
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Improved allbright is the strongest not for braid to floro and it is easy to tie. After losing two large lakers due to broken knots I sat down with two spools of line and tied and tested knots over and over to find the strongest knot that is not difficult to tie. My fingers were bleeding when I was done but I have complete confidence in that knot. You also need a different knot to tie floro to the lure. Google Shaw Grigsby knot for that one.
download an app called "knot wars". it has a ton of knots for just about everything
have you ever heard of the pr knot, i am going to san diego next week learned it for flouro to pe line awesome knot
Thanks everyone,

Moosedog that is exactly why I started this thread. I have had a couple of macks do that to me. It makes me sick to think of them poor old buggers swimming around with a jig stuck in them. They are hard enough to hook and loosing them due to a poor knot is heartbreaking. Thanks alot everyone, I do have the knot wars app it is a great app. Im gonna try them all. I will also check out the Shaw Grigsby knot...Thanks again...

+1 on the Uni to Uni knot. Power Pro braid recommends it and has instructions in the box....Fishon
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]The uni knot has been my go-to knot for about 90% of my knot applications in fishing since 1975 when I first saw it written up in an outdoor magazine. Knot strength varies with the type of line being used (mono, fluorocarbon, braided), but the uni can hold its own in MOST applications. And, yes, you need to use twice as many wraps on the braid as you do on the FC.[/#800000][/font]
another uni to uni vote......easy to tie, doesn't slip.
Thanks for the info on the Albright knot, I've always used the uni knot. Looks like I will have to give it a try.
I've been using the Canada knot for the past couple of years and really like it. Very simple and easy to tie.
By an odd coincidence I swapped out my floro on one of my braid reels today and decided to try an improved albright instead of the double-uni I normally use.
If you tie the improved allbright 7 wraps up and 7 back and pull it up carefully the braid will break most times before the floro if they are the same test[Wink] You need to wrap the braid around the floro.
An alternative is loop to loop connection, tie double surgeon knot on your braid and flouro peel off the amount of flouro ( i assume your using flouro as leader ) push the flour loop through the braided loop and feed the rest of the flouro through the loop.

Google loop to loop connection.
After reading this post I clicked on the links mentioned, and found on knot wars, from North American Fishing club, has an app I put on my phone, with videos on how to tie all different kinds of knots. I was watching them with no cell service. Any way I thought it was cool.
I forgot about the knot wars. Thanks for reminding me. Just downloaded the app.
I love the Surgeon's loop but also worry about hinging when connecting two different material.
I prefer the Triple Surgeon's Knot on all mine.