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just wondering how that pike limit increase is going down at yuba?
Well, last year i could have filled my 20 pike limit 3 times over in a day...... this year I can spend a full 10 hours fishing for about 8-15 fish.

Now nearly every fish we are catching are over 8 pounds, so its a ton of fun, but it doesn't seem to have the rediculious numbers they had last year.
[quote Hoola_bob]Well, last year i could have filled my 20 pike limit 3 times over in a day...... this year I can spend a full 10 hours fishing for about 8-15 fish.

Now nearly every fish we are catching are over 8 pounds, so its a ton of fun, but it doesn't seem to have the rediculious numbers they had last year.[/quote]

wow. That sounds fun. I can't tell from your reply, but are you happy with this, or Sad?

8 - 15 fish over 8#'s in a day. Sounds like a ton of fun to me. Much more fun than hammer-handles all day long....
Ummm I am super happy to catch those fish! I am Sad that there are so many big ones all at once because it means all the food will be gone and it will take a while for anything to come back in the lake. 8+ pound pike have 5-8 yellow perch in their belly when you fillet them (each) and they will eat an 18 inch walleye without discrimination if they get a chance.

anyways, the pike are way fun so the trip its self was amazing.
It sounds better to me. Sounds like increasing the limit did just what they were trying to do. It will be nice to catch bigger fish there rather than a boat load of tiny ones.
I hope it works like they expect Smile I actaully would agree catcing some small, and some big, and actually having some walleye and perch would be a good thing.

We kept everything we pulled out of the lake (since they are very tasty fish I didn't mind at all) just to do our part.

I actually think they waited to long and the big females are eating the smaller males.... which is why it makes me Sad. We need those little guys to make more big gals.
According to the old guy that runs the lakeside marina at fish lake they took out about 60,000 perch to transplant to Yuba last year. So the State had a pretty good Pike feeding program. With the larger Pike are you seeing as many Carp in there?
It is funny you mention the perch from fish lake. Our first trip out to Yuba was just after they had started releasing them them, a week after I think, and I believe that is why I am seeing so many pike with a lot of perch in their belly.

Carp we are still seeing the big ones making a mess, but actually seeing less of the little to medium sized ones and we have pulled out several pike with a half a carp in its belly on top of the perch. The pike may be helping with that, but I think the perch transplant gives them an easier meal and they are less likely to kill a medium size carp.