06-30-2014, 09:00 AM
I had the fine and pleasant honor of hosting Chris Drinnon and his Dad, Randy, on the Tennessee River Saturday. The Drinnons hail from cold water country way up in Upper East Tennessee. It didn&#39;t take them long to realize how productive the warmer water of the Tennessee River can be... especially when it comes to hefty blues and channel cats.<br /><br />It was a wonderful day ... fairly cloudy and comfortable in the morning. The water flow wasn&#39;t what I wanted (it never is), but it was good enough for us to stay on a steady bite. We actually had relatively few times throughout the day when we weren&#39;t getting bit. My standard chicken breast drift bite was best for most of the eater cats. We broke out the cut bait for a couple of the bigger fish.<br /><br />It has, however, been tough for me to locate trophy cats lately. I think I need to resort to a nighttime bite. Of course &quot;trophy&quot; is a relative term. We did succeed in landing PB fish -- personal best cats -- for Chris and Randy both... so that&#39;s a good thing. That means life is good and gettin&#39; better every day.<br /><br />Here&#39;s some video of the tail end of a couple of the better battles: Summertime Blues with Chris &amp; Randy Drinnon <br />