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Full Version: Scofield reports
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I've had the boat up to Scofield three times in the past four weeks.

The fishing is very fast for under-the-slot Cutts. We averaged 101 fish per trip with the highest being 121 last Saturday for my father and me.

Only a very small percentage were 18"+. I did catch one 20" cutt that had the chub-eating shoulders Saturday. Fishing was too busy to keep the cameras ready so he went back in the water before we snapped a photo.

The recipe for success seems pretty simple: Use chub cut bait to tip your favorite lure with a hook. Reel in fish.

About 11AM there was a significant appearance of the Power Squadron, but that didn't seem to slow the fishing even a little bit.
[quote MasterDaad]

The recipe for success seems pretty simple: Use chub cut bait to tip your favorite lure with a hook. Reel in fish.


Wow, tipping your lure with a hook. What a novel idea, Thanks for sharing.[Wink]
We caught a few more fish that way than just dangling the chub meat in the water.

But only a few.
