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Full Version: Idaho's Big Horn Crags
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Looking for a little help here. I posted to the Idaho page and got no response, I am not sure how active the Idaho page is.

Anyhow, I am doing a trip into the Bighorn Crags in Idaho in a few weeks. Nobody on the trip has been before, and I am having trouble finding any info on what to use when fishing.

Is there a certain type of lures (spoon, spinner, crank, etc) and/or colors (brass, silver, yellow, etc) that work best.

Also flies behind a bubble, what size, type or color.
Sorry I haven't fished it, but I'd vote for a renegade fly as my first choice, I hardly ever miss with that fly... Caught fish from Alaska to Florida on that fly and most places in between.... I like size 12 or 14.... Good luck... J
+1 on the renegades. Never been to where you are going but on high mountain lakes a renegade fly and bubble setup are my go to. I also pack a few royal wolf, and grey Adams.

take along some jake's lures and red and white spoons in 1/4 ounce.