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Full Version: Bear River Bird Refuge Info
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I want to give the refuge a shot for catfish this weekend. Never fished out there before. Can anyone offer some guidance on places to try out there? PM with info.

I usually fish forest street, fish the first bridge that crosses the river, fish up next to the concrete. I have caught some monsters out of there, many days of taking home my limit, seems to be a lil better when the water is flowing. I use shrimp maily, but have caught them on a variety of baits
Is that the bridge that crosses over the smaller channel?
Just about any spot where ther is a pull off should be good. I caught these two as well as numerous smaller ones last week .Hoping for an even bigger one tomorrow.
Chubs ,livers, worms and shrimp have all been good. I usually fish on the bottom but have been using a bobber lately for less snags. Good luck, I hope you get a monster!
I hope you are entered in the Catfish contest Those look to be pretty close to the top of the numbers.[fishin]
Those are some nice kitties.[Smile]
He is Forest, and he's on the "right" team to boot. Entry marked and tallied. Welcome Jeff.
Finally got some graphs up to. Wanna guess who's in the lead?

Hope you get into 'em Tom. I'd like to try down there sometime, I heard big stories. Seen a few of our members pull some hogs out of that refuge.

Let us know how you do.