Fishing Forum

Full Version: Blue76, Private / Kayak, LM, 7-4 and 7-5, Daughter
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I decided to take the Kayaks to a private 80 acres lake this weekend in lieu of fighting the crowds at the big lake.<br /><br />Man did we have a blast. On Friday between us we landed around 30 fish... none were small. This lake is loaded with big bass and we caught them. On Friday I had at least a dozen fish over 5 lbs an at least 4 over 7lbs. Great day to be on the water.... It was so good I decided to go back Saturday. Throwing nothing but big spinner baits over submerged grass we had an even better day.<br /><br />Had about the same number of fish... 30 plus and about the same number of big fish but I had two over 8lbs and one that had to be well over 9 but it slipped out of my hands in the Kayak while switching hands trying to get the camera and scales out... That sucked... other than that it was my best weekend fishing in 25 years. <br /><br />All these fish were caught before 11:30 am both days. It was crazy... like one of those fishing shows. Smile<br /><br />I may try to post up a few iPhone pics when I get a chance. I had a Go Pro on the Kayak as well and got some good video of a few of them before the battery died.<br />It sounds unreal that this lake would have so many big fish. They have been trying to manage this lake as a trophy lake for the last 6 or 7 years and have done a remarkable job. I cant imaging how big some of these girls would have been in the spring when full of eggs.<br /><br />Funny thing is we only fish in about 1/3rd of the lake. the guy who manages it asked us to stay in that one area so his grand daughter would have some fresh fish to catch on Sunday. He also said no one had cast a line in that lake in over a month so they were not very wary of lures... they pretty much blew up the spinner bait as soon at it hit the water.... I tried frogs and other top water and caught a few but the spinner bait was king... the bigger the blades the better.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />