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Full Version: Jmax, Chick, Bass, July (Day) CBA**4th Place**, 7/12/14, Derek81
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Fished the July CBA Heat Endurance Tournament today. Did anyone know it was hot today! emoHoppingmad If it had not been for the few clouds and the slight breeze that would save us ever now and then today would have been a killer. Hot, Hot and Hot. We started off very poor. From safe light to 10:30 we caught five shorts and did not put a keeper in the boat. emoScratch We were even talking about how we might leave early if things did not pick up for us. The best day feeding time was calling for 12 to 2 today so I told Derek I had a place I wanted to be at that time. At 10:30 we headed there and about eleven the bass must have read the report on when they were suppose to feed cause they started and we had a blast. We forgot about the heat when we were catching fish. <br /><br />Our best four baits today were a spook, a swim, a deep crank and a worm. I got on a good run where I had Derek working pretty hard with the net. Mr. Big Fish came back strong with a great looking 6.28 lb largemouth off a swim to anchor our limit. At that time we knew we would not be leaving early. emoSmile A little later I backed up his six with a nice five pounder off a worm. These fish were working deeper water where there was rocks with drop edges. Our other three we culled an ounce here and there up to three nice ones that all looked like identical twins at about three and a half pounds each. emoThumbsup At about 3:00 o'clock the bite stopped for us almost as fast as it had begun. <br /><br />We knew we had close to 22 lbs and were feeling pretty good about getting another check. emoDance Really had to work with our fish to make sure none of them had any issue. We kept our live wells running the whole time and kept putting additional ice in the wells as needed. All of our five were alive and well at the weigh in. It probably helped us that we did not get a bass until later in the morning and the fish did not have to stay in our well as long. We ended up with 21.78 lbs which was good enough for fourth place.<br /><br />See-ya on the water. emoAngler Jmax