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Been getting quite a few nice crappies. up to 1 1/2 lbs. All the bass you want. 18 1/2" my best. And the carp shooting out there is awesome! I Haven't been for almost a week and I hear we are down to 1 boat ramp[frown][inline IMG00936-20140704-1611.jpg][inline IMG00931-20140630-1255.jpg]
Good too see some crappies coming out of there again, there has benn a couple state records come out of there..... Trolling?
[left]I like to slow troll and find a few and then sit on em if I can. They are extremely soft biters and very hard to hook and land. I have been netting all of them and the hook falls out on almost every fish but I have filled up a nice portion of my freezer on 3 or 4 outings. Here are 2 nice slabs my friend got[inline IMG00935-20140704-1500.jpg][/left]
nice !
I went by for about 2.5 hours last night. We were mainly targeting bass. I can't say it was stellar, or even good for that matter, but we did get a few bass. I think I caught 3 LM and my buddy lost a couple fish. One of the ones my buddy lost was a very nice SMB. I'd say 19 inch range. I'll have to give it another try.

Water has really dropped since I had my GD over there. I'd say it's down about 18-24 inches since she caught the nice catfish.
I think I am going to give Lowell a shot tonight with a buddy, has anyone made it out the last couple days?

I'll post a report later if I make it out
Was out Sunday Morning 6-noon. Tried for crappie and no luck. Bass slowed way down. We got 4 or 5 bass. Water temp was 78 and the bass we caught were very warm to the touch. Carp are still out though. Shot my first double! A lot of folks sitting on equalizer channel..
Fished hard Saturday morning from first light till about noon. Caught a hand full of bass and one buddy got a 8 pound catfish on a crankbait. Never saw a crappie, nor did anyone we talked to. Just don't have that lake quite figured out...
Just got home. Fished from about 6-9 or so. Water temp was 82 degrees. My buddy and I caught about 15 fish, and almost all of them were in the 12-14 inch range.
Caught fish just about every place we stopped, but the most consistent fishing happened around 8 around all the concrete structure near the no wake zone. Not too familiar with lake lowell so don't know the names of certain areas. We were using soft plastics in blue and black. Tried for crappie around the Caldwell dam with no luck. Overall it was a good evening!
Far from a crappy crappie! Those are some good lookin fish your holden there. Enjoy the table fare.