Went down Saturday with the wife and my dad, fished the south west corner out of our toons. Very little action and no boils. I caught one 18" kitty on a curly tail but that was it for the night. Fish were everywhere on my sonar but just not hungry I guess.
Still a nice evening out on the water though...
Thanks for posting your report, too bad the catching wasn't better. Was this the same location where you got into a boil a few weeks ago? Did you try using any bait?
nope, I was in the southeast corner last time. Went a little further down the dike to the southwest corner and then kicked up the west dike.
No bait, just the same old shad raps, cranks and curly tails. Didn't hear many hollars from shore fishermen though.
Still loving the idea of not paying to get into the marina and no trailer issues that come with the pontoon boat though...
I read your report, and one other member said they have seen boils this year but it sure is hit and miss, hope the boils get better or it night be another year like the last few years. I have heard of two different locations, where members call the SE corner, one is just down the dike from the SW corner and the other is by Freeway way, which one are you talking about?
South of the south marina and as far east as you can go on the water [

I'm betting in two or three weeks when and if the weather cools off we'll have a couple weeks of stellar boils, but you never know
OK, got it, that area is very shallow and I rarely fish there, I guess that is why I figured you were fishing at Freeway bay, when you got into the boils. Is there a road that goes to that area? I know there is to the SW corner but I've never noticed a road to the SE corner.
The road does not get you right into that SE corner, but close enough that even a kickboat can get there in a reasonable amount of time.
Saturday in the SW corner I saw fish everywhere I went from 8' to 14' deep. Never found a real pattern nor did I see big bait balls of shad, just suspended fish up and down the water column.
Oh I see now, you launched your kickboat from the SW corner then made your way to the SE corner. I thought maybe you parked on the road, before the SW corner, then carried your kickboat to the waters edge at the SE corner. I have been seeing the same thing with the shad, once they start balling up, I think that will be when we see the boils.
Hit freeway bay this morning for a few hours, hooked up on 3 LMB around 13" and the water level is REALLY low, so we just left...I thought since we had some more time to fish, we hit up Pineview...We was targeting Crappies but none to be found...But when the wind picked up, we started killing them Perch...There's alot of little guys but managed to take home 12, thats around 10-11" so it wasn't a bad day of fishing...
Good for you, you are the first I've heard of this year to catch 3 LM at Willard. Were you throwing plastics?
Good going on the perch at PV too, hard to find that many perch that size at the View any more, maybe this will be a good year for them after several years of nothing but dinks. Did you catch any bass?
My son and I was targeting Wipers and Walleyes, I was using 3/8 white spinnerbait with a gold blade, that's my go to lure...It will catch every type species that sees it.... We didn't keep the LMB though, as for Perch, it was a blast...my son landed a nice Smallie out of pineview...We have pics but I need to figure out how to post it on my phone, in the past, I would carry my camera, now our smart phone takes way better pics...