Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, Chickamauga, casting practice, 8/04/14, Lovetofish
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There we wuz, all jitters, hyperventilating and all, with big visions of slab TARP crappie dancing in our heads. That is where they remained. Ricky Lovetofish invited me for a short crappie fishing trip since he found out that I was cleared to fish again. Neither Ricky nor I had been fishing since the first week of July.<br /><br />We rode up to just above the intake area and fished and fished and fished. All different spots you know, but not nary a single taker of the lures that we were fishing. emoBang Then we rode back down to the HBSP area and fished and fished and fished with nary a taker. emoBang <br /><br />I did show Ricky one of my crappie bamboo hotels and showed him how to put an accurate way point on his graph. The only positive thing about this morning's trip is that I didn't have any pain, no matter how fast Ricky ran the boat. But, I'm not near ready to fish hard. My left leg is weak as cat pi--. I had great difficulty moving around in the boat. Climbing up on the back deck to get in a seat was something else. I guess that more walking is in store for me. So, if you see me walking up and down in my driveway, you will know what I'm doing and am not just a crazy person not knowing where he's going or what he's doing. emoBigSmile <br /><br />Ricky, thanks for taking me and trying to put fish in the boat. We will go again before it frosts. emoBigSmile emoGeezer <br /><br />This is a fishing tale. Oh, I almost forgot. Ricky and I did have the little tails bitten off our jigs at least once. I saw my line take off sideways like a bat out of ......and you know what that was, even though I didn't hook the little thing. It had to be a bluegill. emoGeezer