Fishing Forum

Full Version: Lucas, Chick, Bass, 8/2/14, Wife/Stephanie
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My wife's family was headed to Harrison bay to take the little kids fishing, so naturally I had to go also. So we headed out early with the boat to do some fishing ourselves. Her first cast she landed one that probably weighed 2 and a half pounds and she was happy too. Another 30 minutes went by and I landed a good one. My dang batteries decided to die in my scales so I put him in the livewell hoping I would see somebody else fishing. Well that never happened. So we met her family at Harrison bay and I hauled butt to the store to get batteries. It ended up weighing 6lbs even. My pb. He was missing one eye. So that took a pound off I'm sure! Lol. Oh the bass were caught on traps. In 5 to 8ft. And her crappie was 13 and a half in.