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Full Version: I done bought me a boat
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After being without a boat for 12 months I was going mad so decided it was time I was mobile on the water again

4.45M (14.5ft) aluminium hull
60HP honda 4 stroke
55lb minn kota iPilot
110L Live well
elite 7HDSI wih structure scan and GPS maps etc
heavy duty braked trailer

Happy as a pig in mud

I will be looking to blood it real soon

any of you blokes that want to come for a run let me know
Beautiful boat!
one of the nicest sub16' boats I have ever seen
[quote altizerbd]one of the nicest sub16' boats I have ever seen[/quote]

Wow beautiful boat!! Now you done it. You will never be home.
Nice boat, i hope to get something similar next year. And that looks like a Mazda CX9 (my wife drives one), how does it tow it?
Wow, that's a sweet looking ride. I'd pay your gas for a trip. Do I have to come to Australia?

Love to get me a nice ride. Need to put in the time and make the rides I HAVE into nicer setups in the meantime.

Still looking for the magic lottery ticket!
The eleventh commandment, Thy shall not covet you neighbors boat, neither his boat, nor his iPilot, nor his Sonar nor his four stroke.

I am such a sinner.
Sweet boat Mate! If I had that boat & you had a feather in your butt, we'd both be tickled.
Crikey Moses Mate. She's a beaut.
If you get to Brisbane airport it will be free accomm, beer and food mate and I will take you fishing.

And I mean that!!
[quote kramer_]Nice boat, i hope to get something similar next year. And that looks like a Mazda CX9 (my wife drives one), how does it tow it?[/quote]

The bloke I bought it off had the CX9 mate

I have a Mitsubishi Triton ute (pick em up truck), tows it with ease
Looks like a nice ride.[Smile]
I kept looking at the pics and wondering where you purchased such a rig, until I was reminded that you are in Down Under country !! That really is a nice looking rig and it does not surprise me that Shimano makes boats, they make almost everything else in the world !! How wide is that thing?? Should be a pretty stable rig. Will you use it in both fresh and salt, or fresh only ??
[quote Therapist]I kept looking at the pics and wondering where you purchased such a rig, until I was reminded that you are in Down Under country !! That really is a nice looking rig and it does not surprise me that Shimano makes boats, they make almost everything else in the world !! How wide is that thing?? Should be a pretty stable rig. Will you use it in both fresh and salt, or fresh only ??[/quote]

G'day Therapy

The boat is an Alley Craft, the boat just has Shimano stickers to look Puddy ;-)

It is a punt style hull but with good deep sides on it. They don't make the hull anymore as the boat builder sold out to a bigger name (a real shame because they are a great tub)

I will use it mainly for salt water fishing protected waters and some offshore work on the nicer days. I will use it in the fresh water lakes/dams to chase barramundi, Saratoga and bass occasionally too. (no trout or salmon where I am it's too warm)

It has a 2 metre beam at its widest so really comfy, stable and roomy layout.

If you are ever down under look me up and I will take you fishing :-)